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Rebecca's Pov

I was stuck in Colby's arms.. I put my head on his chest.. his heart was beating as fast as mine.I looked at him for a while..

"What are you thinking?"I asked him slowly

"How much time have we wasted" he answered me calmly

"We'll find a way slowly to win this time back," I said

"You think so?"he asked me slowly as he stroked my hair. I let myself in..I have missed that

"Mm-hmm.. Colby?"I asked while I stroking his chest

"What's my beauty?"he asked me slowly.. I looked at him.. he had his eyes closed I smiled

"I'm scared.. I was so scared today.. I don't care about me.. I care about the our baby girl" I told him. he opened his eyes and looked at me

"He will do nothing, baby.. nothing,I'm here now and I'll protect both of you" he said and I smiled

"I know it's a little far-fetched and maybe it's a little early but.."I hesitated and looked at him

"But what?" he caress my hair

"I want you to stay here" the phrase slipped out of my lips without thinking about it

"Are you sure about what you're saying?"he asked me slowly

"Yes.. Dean's getting married, Roman's married, and I feel lonelier, more unprotected than ever.." I answered him.. I pressed my body more up against his

"I really want to stay with you," he said.. I felt his hand gently clench my waist on him

"She'll like it too.. just... our house is not as big as what you've been living, so many years, you live in a mansion" I answered and bit my lips slowly

"Did anyone tell you it matters how big a house is?"he asked me and I laughed

"Doesn't matter, does it?"I asked him

"Of course not.. yes, I lived in a big house, empty and frozen, yours is smaller but it has my whole world in it," he replied.. how could he with one word make me melt

"When did you start being so cute?"I asked laughing

"When I saw you again" he smiled vividly

"I've always felt safe and protected around you and I want that feeling again" I looked at him.. I was messing with his hair

"You'll get it.. that will pleased and our daughter" I smiled upon him

"Shee will get enough of you," I said

"She has her whole life to get enough of me," he answered with certainty..

"Tomorrow you bring your things I'll make space for you in my closet" I smiled

"Mm, yeah, we just need to talk about something else," he looked at me.. I looked at him

"What?"I asked with Wonder

"Where Will I sleep?"he asked me.. I laughed

"I think you can fit on the couch just fine." I laughed

"Will you let me sleep on the couch I'm two feet men?"he asked laughing

"Mm, yeah, you fit in great here." I laughed.. he started tickle me

"Come on, Colby, stop it." I was laughing, after a while he stopped I looked at him

"We can sleep in the same bed" I smiled

"Until we renovate the house," he said I was surprised

"What House"?I asked with curiosity

"The house we lived together.. I finally bought the land next door and I'm going to make an extension," he said.. I looked at him

"Aren't you gonna sell it after all?"I asked

"No.. it's the house where we lived together, the house that you got pregnant, the house that regardless of if we're together or not I want to raise our daughter," he replied I looked at him.. I felt emotionally vulnerable

"Colby" I said with difficulty..

"Shhh" he put his finger on my lips

"I want her to have something from me.. to make sure of it no matter what..

Yeah, I want to be with you, yeah, I know that in the end I'm gonna make it, I know you're gonna be late to take me back after everything that's happened between us, but I don't want our kid missing anything. and I want her to have something from her father," he said. His eyes were clear. he was telling the truth.. he wanted to stay close to us..fight for me.. he wiped a tear from my eyes

"Damn.. how am I gonna make this hard for you when you say that?" I beat him lightly in the chest

"Then don't" he whisper almost on my lips..

We were at a distance of breath.. My heart was beating like crazy. I thought it was gonna come out of my chest..my fingers were all over his chest..I could feel his heart beating as hard as mine.. He closed the distance between us with a kiss, A kiss different from the others.. Passionate, intense.. like the kisses we used to give after every fight we had.. he squeezed my body into his.. my put my hand in the back of his neck.. I kept kissing him.. I had to stop. but I didn't want to..He left my lips slowly biting my lower lip, gently pulled it out with his teeth.. a sigh escaped my lips.. I could feel the temperature rising even though it was all cold outside..I closed my eyes when his lips touched my neck kissing me.. I bit my lips hard so I wouldn't sigh again.. I squeezed my fingers in his hair while his lips keep kissing my neck.. His fingers caressed my back.. he put his hand down my shirt.. his fingers were frozen as opposed to my burning skin.. I felt his smile on my neck when he realized I wouldn't stop him.. Right now, I was completely handed over to him.. I had no resistance.. I enjoyed every moment..

"Mom.. dad," Audrey was heard, and we both stoped. I took a breath to calm me down

"Fuck" he chanted I laughed

"Next time" I smiled before I saw Audrey run up to us.. she's stuck between us

"Did you wake up, princess ?" he said to her smiling.. I knew no matter how much he hated it our moment was gone he would never blame our daughter

"And I'm hungry can we eat that pizza at last?" she complained.. I laughed..

"Sure.. you sit here with dad and I'll get us some" I smiled and I got up.. I went a little further and he held my wrist

"Do you need help?"he smiled wicked I laughed

"No, I can handle it," I answered and went into the kitchen to get the plates..

I put my hands on the sink.. I took some deep breaths to calm down.. It was very difficult to keep up my resistance when he was around me and now that he was staying here it would be even harder.. It would be insanely difficult to sleep in the same bed and not be able to hold him in my arms.. don't make out, don't make love. I don't even know if I'm gonna make it hard before I fall into his arms again. Yeah.. Now I'd be more sure, I'd feel more secure with him in the House.. I don't know why, but I had a strange feeling that something bad would happen..

And Becky was right.. she didn't know it yet, but she was right. something bad would happen. Tony warned her.. He watched every move they made.. And the sight of Becky turned it, in Colby's arms without hesitation made him mad..Whatever plan he had in mind up until now was changing. He wanted revenge.. And he wanted revenge like crazy and he took that with the wildest way

So here is the 28.. Hope you enjoy it.. xixixi.. if you like it.. vote and comment.. !!!Till the next chapter tomorrow have fun.. Enjoy the royal rumble if you see it.. and.. Let me know what you thing about the chapter! Kisses./. xoxo!

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