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Colby's Pov

I threw my cell phone on the couch and looked at them..They looked at me anxiety..

"Who was it ?"Roman finally asked

"Pamela" I answered and looked for my jacket

"What did she say?"he asked me anxiously

"She said where Audrey is" I wore my jacket

"And what are you doing ?'Manuel asked worried

"What I promised last night.. I'll bring my daughter back with whatever it costs, " I said with certainty Roman looked at me with fear

"Colby, you can't go there alone, you don't know what he is gonna do if he finds out" he said to me trying to stop me

"I don't care.. I promised all of you that as soon as I can she'll be back and that'll be," I said For sure.. I got my keys and I left..

I got in my car and started driving to the address Pamela told me.. I stepped on the gas like crazy in order to get to my daughter as soon as possible. From the mirror I could see Roman's car following me but I really didn't care. All I wanted was to get there as quickly as it could happened, to my daughter and saved her from this jerk.. I got to the edge of town. It was deserted around here.. There was only one small house.. I got out of the car like a madman and ran to the door.. I hit in a hurry..

"Yes?"there was a quiet female voice

"Let me in, Pamela.it's Colby." I told her calmly.. the door opened easy..

Her looked shocked me.. he hit her pretty bad. She had bruises and her lips were dry blood..

"Co.. come in Colby, " she said to me as she trembled

"Pamela, what did that son of a bitch do to you?"I asked worried

"Let me, take your daughter and go away.. protect her as long as you can, he won't rest until he breaks you down," she said quietly.. Audrey looked at me and ran into my arms

"Dad," she said, whining, I lifted her up in my arms and her I kissed her on the cheek I held her tight

"Are you all right, Princess ?"I asked her calmly

"I'm afraid..Uncle Tony is evil, " he said whining while she hide her head on my neck I hugged her tighter

"Calm down darling. we're going to mommy now." i told her and i kissed her on the head..

"Leave while you can" Pamela told me and I caught her by her wrist

"You're going with me.we're going to the police.. his games are over

" I told her a little harshly.. it took her a few minutes to think about it, and she finally came up with it.. we came out of the House.. outside it was Rebecca and Roman..

Rebeca's Pov..

Colby went crazy after Pamela called.. I couldn't sit at home and wait.. I yelled at Roman to followed him and indeed we did.. My heart was beating like crazy. I had a strange feeling but not for good..We were following Colby.. We've reached a deserted location. Just one house. He got out of the car like a madman. We went out and waited outside.. I looked at Roman in agony while I was shaking

"What's taking so long? do you think it was a trap?"I asked with suspense..Roman touch and tighten my shoulder

"Relax, he's going out with Audrey any minute now " he tried to reassure me..

"I'm about to hold my little girl in my arms, aren't I?"I asked in anxiety..I wanted to cry..

"In a few minutes you'll have Audrey back in your arms," he told me with a sweet tone..

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