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Becky's Pov

The next morning when he opened his eyes, I was already awake.. I was sitting there and i was starring him.. I smiled when I saw him rub his eyes, he opened them and looked at me.. He smiled at me tenderly

"Good Morning, Becks," he said to me, laughing, many times he was calling me that

"Good Morning, Colbs." i said back

"Old habits die hard, don't they?" he ask me with his sleepy voic

"Mmm, no.. some habits can't be forgotten no matter how many years go by"I answered

"mm, you're right last night I was sitting there and watching you sleep," he said laughing

"Your favorite" I told him to tease him

"Mmm I watched you sleep at night and you waited for me to wake up" he answered me

"Every morning" I smiled

"Mmm I know" he smiled too

"Only this morning is a little bit more difficult than the previous ones"I said and I lay my head on the pillow

"Because we're not together anymore ?"he asked me and relied on his elbow

"Because we have to talk to our child," I told him and I puffed

"Does it make you nervous?"he asked me

"More than anything else" I answered him and he looked at him

"Everything gonna be alright you'll see" he tried to calm me even though he was just as anxious about it, as I was.. I could hear it in his voice tone

"Do you mind having this conversation with Manuel and Ashley together?I can't handle it alone" I said embarrassed

"No, I don't mind maybe its better if our friends are in front," he said and a sigh of relief escaped my lips

"Um, can we go for breakfast before we go to our daughter?"I asked laughing

"Mmm, I think we should.. come on, get up.. the day will be really long" he said and he got up first going to the bathroom

He went in to take a morning shower.I stood up lazily out of bed and I opened the closet.. Some of my clothes were still here, I didn't take them all the day I left.. I took from the drawer a pair of jeans and a warm sweater and put them on bed.. I turned around and looked at him. I bit my lower lip hard when I saw him with the towel wrapped around his waist with water running in his well-built body.. He looked at me and smirked, Colby was the only one a man who could make me feel alive.. He was the only man that made my body burn from desire and my blood boilin my veins.. But as much as I wanted him, I wouldn't make it easy for him.. At least I think. I don't take an oath, seeing him like that make it too hard to resist..

"Are you enjoying the view?"he asked me with a wicked smile

"Always" I smiled but I blushed

"I love that I can still do this" smile smugly

"What?" I asked with ignorance

"To make you want me still" he smiled, I looked at him

"You Dare Me, Colby." i said and I looked at him

"Of course not. I'm just speaking facts, " he said

"Fact is I can make you want me more than you make me want you" I said with certainty

"I don't think so" he said back

For me, this was an open challenge.. I smiled. I took off my T-shirt and pants and stayed in my underwear.. I looked at him. He looked at me from up all the way down.. He licked his lips, I could see his erection under the towel. I smiled, I took a pair of clean underwear out of the drawer and I went into the bathroom, too..I locked the bathroom door and went under the hot water. When I came out of the bathroom, he was already dressed. He was wearing a pair of jeans, a black hoodie, had caught his hair in a man bun and as he always wore his hat backward..I smiled.. I was with the lingerie. he looked at me and smiled. we were both kind of relaxed. I wore my jeans and my hoodie, I brushed my hair and I put my make up on..

"Ready?" he asked me with a cute smile

"Ready.. we can go" I replied.

Colby took the keys for car and they both started for their breakfast.. they chose a small quiet coffee shop where they used to go. The day would be especially difficult for them since they had to talk to their child for the first time. That they had chosen to do it in front of Ashley and Manuel would help them particular. It would make them less nervous. They had chosen to sit on a coffee table near the window and drink their coffee and eat their breakfast. And that was exactly the wrong choice they had made. they laughed and seemed to enjoy it.. They were teasing each other..The mistake happened when Tony came through outside the coffee shop and saw them.. He was furious by his anger. He left before they could see him.. the bad news was that the countdown for them had already begun. Right after Dean's and Paige's marriage ceremony everything would gonna change. Something creepy was going to happen that none of them had imagined. Pamela was right when she warned them.. They was actually in serious danger.they just didn't know how serious it was.. They had no idea how much danger they were in..But soon they would found out in the most scary way..

He jump in his car full of anger.. He texted her

"You must come here we have a problem" he sent her

"What's the problem?"s he answered him

"I guess he found out " he wrote her

"Find a solution I can not come" she replied and he sent no more messages

Her mistake was letting him handle it himself. The crazy idea that he got into his head, it would bring catastrophic consequences for everyone. At the same time while Rebecca and Colby enjoyed their breakfast, Audrey played with Manuel and Ashley, Paige enjoyed her coffee in her husband embrace and Roman looked over and over again the papers he had in front of him. That moved the curiosity of his wife who looked at him strangely.

"You look sleepless" Alexa told him while she gave him a cup of coffee

"Yes, I haven't slept well." he said

"Is the case Manuel and Colby gave you?" she asked and she sat across from him

"I'm shocked by what I found, Lexi," she said.. Yes, Roman called her always Lexi..

"What did you find?"she asked him curious

"Are you sure you want to see?"he asked her and looked at her

"I want" he answered him with certainty and he pushed the papers toward her..

"Look," he said and showed her something in the papers.. she looked at him in shock

"It's not possible," she answered and he nodded..

The moment that Colby would get in his hands those papers he'd find out the truth. a truth that would change everything, a truth and an event that would they brought to the surface his worst self and mercy  to whom would will be  on his way.

Sorry it took me so long to update.. And tomorrow propably I'm gonna late to update.. I'm fine and I hope you will enjoy the chapter.. Comment vote and Let me know what you think about it.. Yeah Roman is married with Alexa Bliss in this story!! Till the next chapter tomorrow kisses.. XOXO!

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