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"Becky's Pov

I was still in my brother's arms.. his embrace always calmed me down.. The good thing about Paige was that she didn't look like any of his exes.. She wasn't jealous or misunderstood my relationship with my brother.. we've always been very close..The hug was broken by my little girl she ran and sat between us

"Good morning, mommy." he smiled at me, and she climbed up into my arms..

"Good Morning, sleepyhead" I told her and gave her a kiss on the cheek

"Mom, did you see the snow outside ?" she asked happy

"I saw it, baby, of course i saw it" i smiled

"Shall we go out to make Angels of snow in uncle's backyard?" she asked me with a playful smile

"We'll go out and make angles in Uncle's backyard when you drink your milk," I told her and I gave her the glass that Paige was holding

"Fine" she smiled and drank the milk from her bottle

"Will you keep her till tomorrow?"I asked and Paige looked at me

"Of course we'll keep her, Becks. its out pleasure" she smiled

I really liked Paige.. she was the sweetest of all Dean's girls, she loved my daughter and watched over her and most of all.. she loved Dean very much.. I could see it in her eyes.. The way she looked after him and cared for him..She loved him more than herself, and he is really happy.. We've had a very happy day.. we went out and played in the snow.. Angels, snow war, we built a snowman.. I felt happy and carefree.. I left late this afternoon leaving Audrey one more day with them.. I came home to take a bath and started getting ready.

Dean's Pov

This morning was full of surprises.. My sister came by the house and told me she was going to talk to Colby about Audrey. I didn't like that at all.. not at all. I'd rather prefer he never knew about her. But I knew she was right.. at some point the truth would come out and it might have tragic consequences so maybe it was better for her to talk to him..It's not that I didn't like him, it wasn't just that.. But I know she is still in love with him, and telling him the truth and let him into her life again would risk her heart one more time. and what I never wanted was to see her again with tears in her eyes because of him..I just want to see her happy and smiling again like I am with Paige "

Paige's Pov

"And finally, the most difficult moment has come for all of us. The moment that Colby would learn the truth from Rebecca about his daughter.. And that was the only thing that Dean was afraid of.. We've been together for almost 6 years.I met Colby before he broke up with Rebecca.. I lived a big part of their relationship and I could understand why Dean was afraid of it. He hadseen Rebecca hurt more than ever when their relationship was over. Struggling to make it with a baby on her own. Crying all night next to her child's crib for her lost love.. I knew he didn't want to see her hurt again. I admire how protective he is with her and Audrey.. And that's another reason to love him more.. I like that he's so good brother and not indifferent.. I love Becky and Audrey, and I hope what she's doing is good for her.. Because as long as I live, I hope they'll be together again. Because I never believed that Colby was sick of her.. I'm sure something else happened.. something none of us know"

Colby's Pov

It was almost 8 o'clock tonight.. I was sitting with the fireplace on and working from home on some cases i had.. my house bell started ringing. I got up and opened the door.. I lost it.. Right in front of me was Rebecca.. I looked at her from top to bottom. she was beautiful.. we looked at each other for a while.. she broke that silence.

"Colby, can I come in ?"she asked a little uncomfortable and I steped back.. she come in my house and I close the door

"Come on in, Rebecca.." she took off her coat.. I bit my lip.. she looked great in her leather tights, her shirt and her high knee boots..

"Um.. am I bothering you? I know I came without informing you," she said embarrassed rubbing her hands against each other.

"No, no, I was working.. come on in.sit down. can I offer you something?"I asked trying to look cool

"Yes.. something with alcohol" she said to me and sat on the couch I put a glass of tequila for her and one for me, I gave it to her and sat down next to her

"So what brings you to my door?"I asked her she took a big sip and left her glass on the table

"I need to talk to you about something, Colby," she answered.. I could how anxious she was..

"I hear You" I told her and I waited..

Well I know its a small chapter.. But the next one is.. Bigger and maybe better.. I hope you enjoy this chapter.. Let me know in the comments what you believe coming next.. If she tells him or not about their daughter...and let me know when you want the next chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment till the next chapter kisses!XOXO!

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