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Rebecca's Pov

The next morning I opened my eyes, the time was 9 a.m.. I got up to go make coffee and breakfast.. I put on my robe and went out into the hall, I didn't get in the kitchen.The doorbell was ringing, I opened the door. Right in front of me was Colby.. He was smiling..

"Good morning I brought coffee and breakfast, croissants with chocolate" he smiled I couldn't do anything but smile

"Good morning.. come in, " I said quietly because Audrey was still asleep

"How are you?" he asked me and sat on the couch

"Well I just I woke up unlike you..,you didn't just woke up" I said with certainty

"No, I've been up for two hours I've been working out I stopped by to get coffee and breakfast and I came over" he smiled \

"Thank you so much I needed the coffee" I sat next to him

"Audrey ?"he asked me and his eyes were bright

"She's still sleeping daddy...she'll be up any time soon she'll be glad to find you here" I smiled

"I want you to tell me a few things about her" he smiled at me

"What do you want to know about her?"I looked at him

"Everything," he said with a big smile.. he was too cute like that.. I felt like I was falling in love with him all over again

"She was born a month before Christmas.. November 25.. I gave birth very hard. on my side there was Ashley and Manuel, I tried to raise her as beautiful as possible, I didn't want to tell you about her," I admitted and lowered my head

"Why, Becky?"he told me and raised my chin

"I didn't want you to think I was gonna blackmail you with the kid to stay with me," I told him incriminating. He gently caress my cheek

"Always so, so innocent and decent, if you had spoken to me everything would have been different" he looked me in the eyes

"We can't turn back time," I said.. I put my hand on his

"Do we have time to make up for what we lost?"he asked me and I looked at him

" Maybe... but I told you it wouldn't be that easy. I lost my trust in the people after you, " I told him..he smiles

"I don't care how hard is gonna be.. I'll win you back" he smile with certainty

"She loves pizza, The bears yeah she is watching football, she has all your habits and she looks incredibly much like you," I replied..

"I love her already you know" He smiled

"Yeah i can see that. and she loves you.. or maybe she adores you already. and.. I want you in her life.. you're her father I don't want to deprive her of you" I smiled at him.. I pulled my hand off his hand, his stayed on my cheek

"Thank you so much for this" he smiled at me

"Well the coffee's nice and croissants too, but I have to go talk to Dean" I smiled and stood up

"Well, I'll stay here and look after her then.spend some time with her" he smiled

"I'll leave you ready her milk and her banana" I smiled

"Oh, here she got something from you, too. she eats bananas, " he laughed to joking with me.. I laughed and went to get ready.. I was getting dressed when I heard her running in his arms

"Daddy.. good morning" she shout Happy

"Good Morning, princess." I heard him say.. I put on a pair of leggings and a shirt and came out to the living room and she was stuck in his arms

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