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Colby's Pov

We were sitting in the living room.. Roman connected the device with witch we are gonna watched the phone and waited.. I looked at them.. Everyone looked worried..

"I haven't offered you anything and anyone's hungry?"I asked anxiously

"Nothing goes down," Dean said. he seemed nervous

"Go see if Rebecca wants anything.. she's been alone for too long" Alexa told me, and I came up right away.. I went into the room and I found her lying on Audrey's bed hugging her teddy bear.. I got close

"Honey, you have to eat something. you've been with out eating something for hours." I told her.. she looked at me for a moment and then she turned her gaze back on blank

"Becky baby, talk to me, please," I said to her quietly.. I was stroking her hair, but she wouldn't answer.. I went back to the living room

"I can't bear to see her like this," I told them desperately..

"It's your fault," Dean said I looked at him

"How the hell is it my fault?"I asked him and he looked at me

"You made him crazy when you decided to approach her again and get into her life.. because of you we're going through this," he told me nervous

"If you hadn't insisted on going out with him, he wouldn't have done this to us it's your fault, Dean," I said angry.. he looked at me.. he stood up and come closer to me.. We got our hands on another.. we started beating each other up the other one when we were interrupted by a loud scream..

"SHUT THE FUCK UP BOTH OF YOU" we both turned around and saw Rebecca she's standing at the door.. pale.. with eyes puffed and red from the cry..

Rebecca's Pov

From the moment I found out Tony had my princess I went crazy.. I ran to her room and I stayed there.. I wanted to be in this room.. smell her scent everywhere.. I'm missing her.. I missed my baby.. The pain in my chest didn't have precedent. I've never been in as much pain as I am today.. Colby was coming back to the room again and again. I wasn't talking.. I had my gaze at the void and I wept, only I wept until the a moment when I had no more tears..

I was afraid of my child's fate. Tony was more dangerous than I imagined I never thought he would choose to he gets his pay back at me because I preferred Colby instead of him with such a sick way.. I heard voices I got up late and walked to the living room..I Found Dean and Colby fighting.. I made a scream and with look.. Colby ran to me..

"Baby, are you okay ?"he asked me concerned while he caught my hand,i pulled my hand away from him

"Stop fighting" I told them upset..

"How Are You, Rebecca?"Ashley asked me I looked at her

"Broken.. I want my baby back," I told her and I looked at them

"We'll have our little princess Rebecca back soon" Colby try to tell me..I looked at him

"If you hadn't come, he wouldn't have taken her," I told him so loudly they looked.. including him..

"Do you think it's my fault that Tony kidnapped Audrey?" he asked me with his voice steady..

"Before you showed up, he wouldn't think to do it," I told him.. I didn't know why... he looked at us all.. He shook his head.

"It's easy to blame me.. it suits you all better to have your own conscience clear.. OK then it's my fault.. No one else is to blame.. I came back.. If this will suit you to sleep in peace at night very well.. I will take responsibility.. We're not gonna hit on Dean for putting him on our lives as his friend, we are not gonna blame Paige and Ashley that you pushed her to go an a date with him, it's not your fault Manuel's you had objections. you didn't talk because she was alone for 4 years. It's not your fault you went out with him and gave him courage to invade in Audrey's life as Uncle Tony.. it's my fault.. It's my fault I'm back.. for learning that I have a child that you all know but no one bother to let me know, it's my fault I wanted to do the right thing and getting to know my kid, to love her and to I devote myself as a proper father for her , it's my fault I didn't leave when I found out or I didn't blame you.. it's my fault that i didn't I claimed her custody to get her away from you.. Everything is my fault.. I don't hurt that some psycho kidnapped my daughter.. I don't suffer.. I'm not afraid, I'm not worried about her life.. It's too easy for you for the dickhead to take all the responsibility.. all right, then.. I'll take the blame.. It's my fault I came back and I've upset all your lives.. I'll look everywhere and I'll find Audrey.. and I'll make sure she gets back in your arms..healthy and calm.. and I'll make sure that he will not done her something.. And as unexpectedly I came in to your lives and I'll leave again.. And when she asks you where I am tell her the truth.. that I didn't want anything to do with her anymore.. that I don't love her.. that I never love her. make her hate me, make her believe that I am a terrible tather.. a total jerk it wont be that hard right Dean? " He look at us disappointed.. his eyes were clouded by tears that he was barely holding it together..

He left the living room and locked himself in the bedroom.. We looked at each other and there was an uncomfortable silence.. No matter how much we didn't want us to admit it, he was all right on his side, it was easy to blame him and drive the responsibilities away from us.. I felt bad.. I never saw Colby like this before.. weak, insecure and disappointed.. I looked at them.

"Maybe he's right" I mumbled after a few minutes of silence

"How is he right?"Dean asked nervously

"It's not his fault, Dean. and we were wrong" Manuel said

"You all made mistakes.. "Roman said who was all this time quiet

"And he suffers like all of you.. and he even more because he thinks it's all because of him.. because he really thinks he's responsible for her abduction, " he said with confidence voice

"How do you know?"Alexa asked

"He told me before when we went tapped the phone on Kitchen, " Roma said

The two men have entered the kitchen.. Colby looked broken.. Roman looked at him.

"What Have you got?"he asked him slowly

"It's my fault, Roman," he told him desperate

"What do you mean? why is it your fault?"he asked him curious

"If.. I never showed up and I never been involved in her life again, now Audrey would have been here"he said to him and he tighten his hands on the counter

"It's not your fault Tony's crazy, Colby." reassures Roman

"If I hadn't come nothing would have happened" his voice came out with the force he was about to cry

"Even if you hadn't come and Rebecca cut him down for someone else he would do the same thing.. it's not your fault," Roman told him again...

We stayed watching Roman frozen.

"He really thinks it's his fault and you along with Dean confirmed it.. "he told me.. I felt really bad..

I was in so much pain about my daughter's abduction that I didn't think and he suffers even though he was only around her for a few days. I walked to the bedroom, I knocked on the door but I didn't I got an answer.. I opened the door and he wasn't there.. I looked at bath, but nothing. I approached Audrey's room and when I came in I was shocked.. Colby was sitting in her bed.. he had on his chest Audrey's teddy bear, crying.. At that moment I felt like I'm falling apart inside.. he was in pain, and I blamed him. I saw how much he cared about her.. and how guilty he felt that Audrey wasn't here..

"I promise you, little one.. I'll bring you back in your mothers arms no matter what.. I swear.. and if that means I must disappear from your life forever I will do it.. once and for all.. I'll make sure you will hate me.. But I'll take care of you and your mother always even though that you will not know it"  I heard him say with a voice that barely coming out of his lips.

And he was right he will do anything to get Audrey back to her mother healthy and safe.. But what about him him? he would disappear like that forever or his fate had another plan for him?

Sorry it took me so long.. I hope you enjoy it.. Vote and comment.. Let me know what you thing about it!! Till tomorrow.. kisses.. XOXO!

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