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Becky's Pov

It was 6 months since Colby proposed to me. It took us 6 months to prepare the wedding of our dreams.. Or rather to put it better so I can find the perfect wedding dress.. The renovation at the house was going very well and soon we were going to stay there. Since this morning,

I've been vulnerable and moved to count the hours of my marriage.. My friends were all there.. And I was so happy that my life was finally starting to turn out exactly as I dreamed it would.

"Oh, Come on, Rebecca.. stop crying" Ashley told me

"You think it's easy?"I asked her while I was wiping away some tears

"Come on, Ashley, stop and let her cry.. she gets married once, " Paige told her

"Don't say it, she can divorce with Colby and remarry," Alexa said and Ashley glared at her

"Cut It Out, Alexa.. it's her day and we don't want her to be sad," Ashley said

"I said a word," Alexa told her.. I looked at her

"I'm not breaking up with Colby for any reason, Alexa.. I love him and

he loves me. he proved that to me so many times anyway," I said, smiling

"All right, relax, I didn't mean that you will get a divorce but a lot of things can happen" she said..

The fight didn't go on.. I restrained Ashley at that time, she really wanted to beat Alexa.. Audrey was so happy I was gonna get married to her father.. And I was very happy about my marriage to Colby. I was nervous about today and very curious about the decoration he had chosen for our wedding.. That was something he took care of himself.. I was in my room getting ready.. My brother came in.. he looked at me and smiled..

"You're very pretty today, Rebecca." he smiled at me

"Thank You, Dean." I smiled as I was wiping away my tears

"If mom and dad were alive, they'd be too proud of you," he told me and sat next to me

'I know, Dean," I answered him.. I caught his hand

"Rebecca.. I'm sorry I wasn't the brother you wanted.. and a lot of times i was a jerk, I just want you to be happy.."he told me.. while he shook my hand

"I'm happy" I answered him

"I want to see you happy forever," he said.. I smiled

"I'll be happy, I love him and he loves me," I told him and he nodded

"I know he loves you.. more than all of us, " he said to me laughing

"No one loves me more than you," I told him..

He gently wipe the tears from my eyes and embrace me.. He squeezed me a little more into his arms.. We've been like this for several minutes.. Then he let me get ready. To wear my wedding dress and with my daughter to accompany me where the wedding would take place!


I was at home with Manuel and Roman, getting ready for my wedding. I still can't believe this day has finally come.. It's been years since I dreamed of it, and it's finally coming true.. In a few hours, Rebecca and I would finally be married..My friends teased me and tried to take my anxiety away.. I wanted everything for this day to be out of a fairytale..

Around 7 o'clock in the afternoon we were all at the beach where we had chosen to have our wedding.. It was on a deserted beach just outside the city in a quiet place.. I had chosen a romantic decoration for the place with petal rose and candles.. I was holding the bouquet and waiting for her.. I waited about half an hour agonizing when I finally saw her coming..

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