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Rebecca's Pov

Last night we slept in bed together, i was sleeping ins his arms.. The next morning a sweet smell woke me up.. I opened my eyes and I couldn't find him next to me.. I got up I wore my robe and I went out into the living room to the kitchen.. There was a nice surprise.. Colby and Audrey were preparing breakfast..I stood my body at the door and stared them

"Dad ?"she asked him

"What is it princess ?"he smiled at her

"Are we going to go the breakfast in bed for mommy?" she smiled at him playfully

"Do you want to surprise her??"he asked her

"Yes, I do.. "she told him playfully

"Well we'll make Momy's juice, we'll make the pancakes, we'll put them in the tray and go to wake up mom" he said and kissed her tenderly on head

"Nice and we will give her a kiss for Good Morning" Audrey smiled

"yeah we can give her a good morning kiss" he said laughing

I didn't want to ruin their surprise so I went back to bed to  I pretend I sleep.. I lay in bed waiting.. In 15 minutes I heard footsteps.. I closed my eyes to pretend I'm sleeping.. Audrey jump on the bed and gave me one good Morning kiss.. I opened my eyes and smiled.

"Good morning, Mommy." she smiled at me

"Good Morning little star" I smiled

"Good Morning, Beautiful," Colby, said smiling

"Good morning handsome" I smiled

"We made you breakfast. Audrey wanted us to bring it to you at bed " he said and left the tray in front of me

"Mmm, what a lovely thought Thank you,and what is that" I smiled.. I pretended not to I know nothing, I saw a beautiful rose

"This is for you" he smiled and he gave me a kiss on the cheek, I took it and I smell it..

"Its beautiful thank you" I smiled

"All right, let's eat, girls." he smiled. he gave Audrey the bottle of her milk and a cup of coffee in me

"What Have You Made Here" I asked surprised

"A good brekfast to start the day, it's gonna be a long day " he laughed and took a sip of his coffee

"And why is that?"I asked while I was took a bite of pancakes he made..

"'Cause I'm gonna take you shopping today" he smiled

"What shopping?"I asked while I was eating

"We're going to get Christmas decorations for the house " he smiled vividly

"Oh, we're in a Christmas mood." I laughed

"Of Course.. we will get a tree, ornaments and games for our angel " he smiled

"When you say Toys for our angel ?"I looked at him

"He I want to buy me daughter some toys" he smiled

"I don't want you to spoil her" I gave him a bite to eat

"I'll spoil her as much as I want, she is my only child," he said and he was eating

"Well, I'm not gonna continue this.. I always lose to those fights you always won" I laughed

"I drank my milk" Audrey said smiling

"Don't hurry darling let Mama eat her breakfast and we'll go shopping" he told her

"Don't worry I can eat fast" I laughed and I was finishing my breakfast

"Are you gonna dress me up, mommy?" she smile

"I'll dress you up little impatient but I'll dress you well, because its cold outside " I smiled

"Until you dress her up, I can get ready too" I smiled at him...

I took Audrey in my arms and I went to get her ready for our morning walk. I put on her leggings a nice warm dress and a pair of boots.. I combed her hair and I gave her a nice braid..

"Ready, we'll put on a jacket and you'll be ready" I smiled

"Well, shall I go to Daddy and you to get ready too ?" she asked with a playful smile.

"Yeah, let's go" I smiled and took her in my arms we broke into my room.. he was getting ready.

He wear a pair of jeans, a shirt and he looked hot. I smiled while I bit my lower lip

"Your daughter's ready" I looked at him

"Wow, what a beautiful daughter I have"he took her in his arms

"Well, if you're both ready, go in the living room and let me get ready, I won't be long" I told him while I left one kiss on Audrey's cheek

"Is that a promise now?"he looked at me

"I don't understand. you want to say something?"I looked at him pretend I was angry

"That always when you say I won't be late, you need at least one hour" he said to make fun of me....

"I've improved my time" I laughed

"Since when?"he asked me laughing

"From the moment your daughter is impatient" I laughed at him.. they gone to the living room and left me to get ready

I put on a pair leggings, a warm shirt, I brush my hair I put on some make up and I went to the living room to find them..We wore Audrey's jacket and we're off.. We put her in the car with her belt. I sat in the passenger seat.. he goes slow to enjoy the ride but also to we're careful.. The route was about an hour.. We arrived in a big department store..We buy a seat car for Audrey.. We got a tree, tree ornaments and her toys. We sat down for lunch and at the time we went back to the house and put on pyjamas, preparing the tree. The night Audrey fell exhausted she slept on the couch..

"I'll take her in her room and I'm coming, Okay?"he said sweet

"OK.. would you like some wine?"I asked

"Yeah, just a little, it'll relax us," he said smiling while he took the little one in his arms.. I filled two glasses of wine and I was waiting for him to be back

"The house became very beautiful," he said to me as he sat down next to me

"Yes.. it's very nice" he passed his hand and hugged on my shoulders I took a sip of wine and left the glass on the table I put my head on his chest

"Are you tired, girl ?"he smiled while he stroked my hair

"Mmm, it was a beautiful day today.."I looked at him

"Did you have a good time?"he looked at me

"of course.. I had as much fun as you and your daughter" I laughed

"Mmmmm I'm glad" she smiled at me

"But I'm tired and from tomorrow I'm going crazy running" he looked at me

"With Dean's wedding ? "he asked as he continued to caressing my hair

"Yes, and while you're doinh this, I'll sleep here and here it's cold" I mumbled and he lifted me up like a bride in his arms

"Well then let's go inside" he took me to bed..

Until Colby took her to her room she had fall asleep from tired in his arms. he carefully laid her on the bed and covered her up. He fell next to her, and he hugged her.. He kissed her on the head and he closed his eyes.. Tony watched every one of their movements.. This week coming would be the most happy week of their lives.. However, immediately after Dean's  weddinh would be something that would make this wonderful week a true hell!

Sorry it took me so long to post today I'm still struggling with some flew But I'm getting better.. If you like it vote and comment.. Till the next chapter tomorrow kisses!XOXO1

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