chapter 2 : Not a good friend

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        Hey. Enjoy


       It have been weeks, months since the zombie apocalypse started and I survived. Yes I did. And I discovered that zombies can't see me. Or sense me. I don't know why. And yeah...surprise!!

 I was heading to the south  because the virus started from the north. That's what we call logic!

     Most of the time the roads would be closed by crashed cars and I have to move them all by my self. And that really sucked.

    I was driving my Ferrari car as fast as I could. Well it is not My car but it was somebody's car which I found on a road. 

     I was singing loudly listening to a song and waving my hands.

     "WHOOOOO IMMUNITY IS THE BEST" I screamed for my self. But signed and groaned in frustration when I saw cars closing the road.

    I parked the car near a supermarket and turned off the music before walking out. Not forgetting my rifle tho. Safety first who knows what will happen. I shivered when the wind hit my face when i opened the door.

      I walked to the cars and looked at them putting my hands on my waist.

     "I hate you. What are you guys doing over here covering my only way? Huh? Do you know how many cars do I have to move away every day to get to the safe zone?And look at you staring at me like I am a boring math teacher. Move now!" I almost yelled at them like they would move any time.

    It really sucked to be alone when there is no one you can talk too. And I have never find any one since the apocalypse started.

    I signed and looked around. There were blood stains on every wall, windows and doors. And my eyes landed on the supermarket. That was when I realized  how hungry i was. I had to eat something.

    I load my gun and put my black hoodie over my head.

    I slowly walked inside to smile at the sight. The supermarket looked very clean except for the blood stains on the floor, on the wall and some stuffs scattered around. Yeah not very clean but good.

    I grabbed a shopping cart and I first walked to the food section. I put literally every thing on the cart. Next I walked to the electric section And I grabbed power banks, some earphones and phones.

    Next I walked to the ladies area to grab the most important thing for ladies.....ya know what I am talking about. Yes that's it.🙄😉

      Next I walked to the men section drinking a can of soda in my hand to grab my favorite perfume. Yes men perfume. By the way there were many zombies rooming around the area But it was not my concern. I was talking to them eventhough they won't respond to me. I sometimes felt lonely.

      I was alarmed when I heard a voice. More like a groan coming from a room that was labled janitors room. It was not the familiar groan that I hear everyday. It sounds humanly. It sounded alive.....I quickly prepared my gun and aimed to the door expecting the worst.

    But I widened my eyes when I heard a loud crushing voice from the room. Followed my. "Shit. Shity shit."

     I took a deep breath and was about to walk to the room, When I heard a familiar a very familiar groan. It sounds zombiely. Dead.

   Zombies started to gather around the room running like it depended on there lives.

     "WHO EVER YOU ARE SHUT THE FREAKING DOOR THEY ARE COMING." I yelled looking at the door as it immediately closed shut.

    The zombies where banging the door leaving vlood stain all over it I smiled for myself and was proud that I saved someone from being bitten by a freaking zombie.

      "Yes nimeni. You did it." I mumbled to my self jumping up and down while punching the air with a grin on my face.

   I finished my can of soda and threw the can past them to distract the zombies. And it worked. God zombies are so dump. I chucked at my thought and walked to the now free door.

     "Hey who ever is in there. I am a human being don't shoot or do anything.  I repeat I am a human being." I said before opening the door.

    There was a guy who looked like he is on his 20s standing, with a kitchen knife pointing at me. He had a black hair which was a little bit wet. He was swesting. He was wearing a black hoodie with a blue pants. One of his leg was wounded and bleeding woch triggered me.

    I quickly held the gun in front of him aiming for his head. He looked pail. I mean I don't know if he is actually infected or if his bleeding leg is just an ordinary wound but i needed to ve careful.

     "Are you bitten or infected?" I asked as he put his hand up in defense and took a step back.

     "No am not. Put that shit down" he said in a husky yet calm voice.

     "Then what is that wound on your leg?" I asked pointing the gun at his leg.

    "I am not infected God damit! It is just a wound." He said in a clenched teeth. Oh no hell no!

     "Gezz ok you don't have to be so angry about let me help you." I said walking to him. But he stepped back. I looked up at him in confusion.

    "Who the hell are you?" He asked narrowing his eyebrows.

     "Am a human being"

Not gonna be a good friend.


     Bye for now. Hope you enjoyed 😊

      stay home stay clean stay safe

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