chapter 31: Forgive

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   Hey guys, enjoy the ride 😊😊


      "Hey have all the right not to forgive me because I left you behind......I was selfish as hell. I know.......I have never regret like this before in my life.......I am very sorry......I-I will do  a-anything f-for you to f-foegive me." Jacob said in a shaking voice. Gumball didn't say anything as he kept touching his eyes probably wiping his tears.

     "S-she killed her s-self." Gumball said in a shaking voice and I almost gasped out loud but thanks for my hands they were quick to shut my filthy mouth up.

     Jacob didn't hold back his sobbing as he covered his face and started sobbing his lung off.

"She told me to leave and the zombies were coming. But I I couldn't. S-she s-s-stabbed h-her self. Die-in order-" gumabll took a deep breath wiping his tears with his sleeve.

     And I was about to cry out loud but thanks again for my hands...

     "S-she stabbed her self in order to make me leave." He said and he stood up all of a sudden making me hide even more.

     "I am very sorry stanly.......I really am....I will never forgive my self for what I did....and it would be worse if you don't forgive me." Jacob said standing up too wiping his tears. He put his hand on gumballs shoulder and looked at him as gumball just kept looking down.
"Please Stanley" Jacob whisperd.

     Gumball looked up and took a deep breath before......nodding. yes! That is what I am talking about. I knew that he was a good guy inside. I almost squeaked but thanks to my hand again. But inside It was a huge happiness party.

      "I forgive was not your fault that she was her destiny." Gumball said. But the tears kept streaming down his cheeks as he kept wiping them furiously like a baby.

    "R-really? Oh my God thank u.....thank u so much....i can die in peace now." Jacob said wiping his tears. He was about to hug gumball but he stepped back.. "ok. I went to far.....but thank u Stanley"

     I walked back quickly a psychopathic grinn plastered on my face as I jumped up and down while punching the air......I sat on the counter swinging my legs for a while before Jacob came with a sad face.

      "What is wrong?" I asked. Did somehing happened while I am here?.....come on it have been only 2 seconds

    He came and sat beside me sighning. "He didn't forgive me." He said.....and i laughed out loud. Poor Jacob he was trying to fool me... fool my butt.

    He looked up in a confused expression rising his eyebrows. "What? Why the hell are you......." he gasped covering his mouth and widening his eyes." You were eavesdropping." He said and I nodded still laughing..

     "Not cool. Young lady not cool" He said crossing his arms and that was not helping my belly which was hurting because of so much laughter.

    "O-ok ok. I am sorry b-but...I couldn't help it" I said wiping imaginary tears. He chuckled and ruffled my hair.

     "You are a really nice and sweet young lady." He said smiling at me...I smiled back and ruffled his hair.

     "You are a really good person your self. Young man." I said and sighned looking infront to see gumball giving us a weird look.

    "Oh h-" I shut my mouth again smiling making a zipping sign on my mouth. nimeni you really have to shut your mouth.

      "What are you two doing?" Jacob asked putting his hands on his hips like a mad granny after jumping off the counter.

     "We had a deal that is hard for me not to break." I said smiling.

     Jacob frowned for a second and stood up....."I will look guys sort things out between you." He said jumping off the counter.

     "There is nothing to sort is a deal not a fight...." I said looking at Jacob who already left humming a song.


     After a while the silence became awkward as gumball just stood infront of me staring at me like I am a boring TV show or something. And it was hella creepy.

    I couldn't take it any more so I looked around on the counter and found a marker and a paper. I picked them up and wrote what was in my mind.

    'Hey dude, stop staring  man. I am starting to feel like a boring black and white TV show. And your stare is way more creepy to handle..

     Ps. Miss talking to you.'

  I hold the paper infront of me in order for him to read...he looked at the paper and after 5 seconds he just ignored the message and kept staring at me....the same bored expression.

     'The color of my face is going to fade. And be carefull not to make a big hole on my face.'

   I wrote again and hold it infront of me. He didn't stop staring stil. I stood up and dusted my pants.

     "Jaaaaacooooob" I almost yelled still looking at gumball who was looking at me. This gumball have really lost his mind.


    Bye for now  guys, hope you enjoyed.

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