chapter 37: You can call it shopping

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    Hey guys, enjoy the ride😊😊🎢🎢


     "God I am so tired" I mumbled to my self rubbing my temple. I was so exhausted and the headache was not helping. My head was hearting to much due to the whole crying thing.

    "It is my turn let me drive." I jumped a little startled and looking over to gumball who was sitting straight rubbing his eyes. I didn't even know he was awake.

     "God you scared the whole thing out of me." I said looking infront of me.

     " stop the car. Let me drive" he said and I don't west anytime as I pulled over the car. I unbuckled my self and stood up as he do the same.

      I scanned the street and there were plenty of shops and supermarkets including public bathrooms. Hell we have to grab something to eat.

     "Hey gumball. I am going to try and find a food. Ok?" I said opening the door. I scanned the area and there were no zombies in sight so I jumped out of the car and turned around to gumball.

     "umm...meanwhile can you please clean the car?" I pleaded. He looked at me and sighned before nodding. I grinned widely and gives him thumbs up. And as I was about to close the door......

    "H-hey naggi" he said before clearing his throat.

    I turned around and nodded. "Be care full." He said looking infront of him before standing up. My smile get wider if that is a possible thing to do.

   "Ay ay partner I will......and you have to clean well." I said and closed the door before he could say anything

    The first thing I saw was a supermarket wich was open and have blood stain on the windows. So I walked inside the supermarket humming a song that I love the most 'lovely' and looked around.

    I didn't see any different thing from other supermarkets that I have been in before. It was the same scattered shelves or broken shelves, and blood stains in all the walls and glasses including the cashier area.

    And the cashier was there...well the zombie cashier was there, trapped inside the cashier area with other zombie beside her. They were staring at a blank space with their hands stretched out.

    I sighned and first walked to the bag section and grabbed two big black suitcase  and then I went to the food section dragging the suitcase behind me.

      I then started grabbing all the foods on the food shelves including snacks and noodles of many kinds. After filling the first suitcase with foods and drinks, I walked to the cloth section dragging the now heavy bag behind me with a struggle.

      I reached to the cloth section and grabbed all kinds of clothes including underwears.

     After getting everything needed......I couldn't drag the suitcases. They were hella heavy. I thought that gumball might help me but it was too dangerous for him.......meh! I will call him.

      I walked out of the supermarket and rushed to the car. I knocked the back door before opening it to see gumball wiping the table with some kind of towel. But he looked at me as soon as I opened the door, in panic.

     "What is wrong? what happend?" He asked walking to the door. Why is he panicking?

     "It is nothing....why do you ask?..I just needed help." I said shrugging. "Can you help me..I can't move the suitcases an inch" I said disappointed putting my hands on my hips.

     He sighned and put the towel down before opening the weapon bag. He grabbed the sword and walked out of the car pushing me aside slightly.

     "Let's go" he said in a bored expression before staring walking.

     ""Were you worried about me?" I asked smirking walking behind him. He cleared his throat quicking his pace. I bet he wont say yes. He will never say that we was worried about me. Even if he was.

     "Ok ok I won't ask" I said walking beside him.

     I lead the way in and the cashier zombies went wild when gumball got in. They were stretching their hands while making that gross zombie sound and spitting gross blackish blood from their mouth.

     I sighned and turned around to gumball who looked calm. But he suddenly walked to them holding his sword up before slicing the womans head off with a swift. And then the man's head. It was very fast that it took me a second to register everything.

     "W-wa wa.....speechless." i said putting my hands on my head. He turned around and he looked like he was drinking some blood with his whole face

     "I might really mistake you as a zombie." I said pointing at his face. He really looked like a bad ass zombie killer.

     Except he is a bad ass zombie killer.



    Bye for now guys, see ya next chapter.

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