chapter 62: confession

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         Hey guys, enjoy the ride😊😊😊😊



       □Nimeni pov□

   We walked out of the building as the cool weather welcomed us. I looked around and spotted Matt walking to us with a proud smile on his face.

     "You made it man......nim can you take him to his cabin? rose is waiting for me." She said nodding to the door. I smiled and nodded. "It is room 64" he said before walking inside.

    We reached to the cabin number 64 and I knocked. We stood their for like 5 seconds before the door opened revealing a guy with no t-shirt, yawning.

     "What's up " he said rubbing his eyes but he widened them stoping in the middle of yawning. "Oh you are my new roommate.....well welcome bro" he said moving away from The door.

    I smiled as we walked in. The room looked clean and cozy. I let go of gumball and signed in relief because my back almost broke.

    "Let me introduce my self name is Jack....Jack Fernandez.....I am 21 .that is all I have to say....what about you?" He asked looking at us smiling.

     "Hi my name is nimeni...I am 19 years old" I introduced and looked up at gumball.

     "Hi I am g- stanely watterson and I am 21 too" she said stretching his hand with a little smile on his face. I was surprised, totally surprised that he smiled. "Hope we will be good friends" he added making my jaw touch the ground.

     He looked at me and chuckled before leaning closer to my face and putting his hand under my chin. He looked at me for a while and frowned. "Let's talk" he said and grabbed my hand.

   "Be back bro" gumball said before we get out of the cabin and to the porch. Did he just call him bro? Damn there was really someone special inside this body. But something seems off on him.......yeah his beard

      "Hey gumball." I said stepping closer to him.

     "Huh? What?" he looked up at me. He looked startled blinking several times. "There is something growing on your face." I said touching his face.

     "What? What?" He asked touching his face too. "What is it?" He asked again frowning.

      "A are growing hair on your face have to shave" I said putting my hands down.

     "Oh really....o-ok I will shave it" he said scratching the back of his neck and smiling. The hell is wrong with him? He is acting weird.

     "What is wrong with you?" I asked titling my head. His smile dropped as he looked up and me and down to the ground and up at me again.

     "What? N-notthing......come on. I have to shave. Help me" he smiled and grabbed my hand before walking inside the cabin. He suddenly stopped infront of Jack who was putting his t-shirt on.

     "Hey man. Do you have a new shaver? Can I borrow it please." Gumball said smiling....he has absolutely changed.

    "Sure." Jack then opend a drawer near his bed and took out a new shaver before handing it to gumball.

      "Ok thank u bro" gumball said before dragging me in to the bathroom. I was confused that I couldn't say a word.

     "H-hey gumball I think I should-" he cut me off by pushing me slightly to sit on the closed toilet.

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