chapter 61: I am gumball watterson

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         Hey guys, enjoy the ride😊😊


        She stared at me for like 5 seconds before standing up with her hands on her head. She was widening her eyes in shock. And then she sat down before standing up again. And sat down and stood up again....

     I was looking at her smiling widely....losing my self in her. My nagger.

     "Y-you are going to hurt your ass if y-you keep doing t-that" I laughed slightly. She froze again and leaned closer to me. Very close her eyes were still wide as she just stared at me cupping my cheek.

     "Gumball......g-gumball. Stanely.......GUMBALL....STANELY Y-HOU ARE AWAKE....YOU ARE AWAKE." She yelled leaning back and stumbling on the floor.

      "Hey my name is not g-gumball stanely...I am gumball watterson" I said as she just stood there and looked at me.

    She sat on the chair again and looked at me smiling. "Gumball." She whispered a huge grin on her face.

     "Yeah...wassap" I exclaimed.......but I frowned again when i noticed a bag under her eyes....she looked tired and broke...she looked very not good. She looked thin.

    " don't look fine" I said and managed to lift my hand and cup her cheek. Eventhough my heart won't stop beating fast....I got used to it. The weird feeling is something I love.....something I want to continue feeling.....I feel nimeni....gosh I liked her so much with out even realizing.

     "Don't worry about I will tell you very shocking things prepare to be shocked." She said rubbing her hands together. She looked happy and exited melting my whole heart.

    "First, we made it....we are in the safe zone." And I was absolutely shocked as hell. As I was about to talk she cut me of by putting her hand over the oxygen mask

     "Wait for will be shell shocked now......remember that you were bitten right? And I made you drink my blood....ugh it is so disgusting...but it was not all my blood that worked. My blood worked with other vaccines......and for the third surprise. You will be everything shocked........I found a friend on the first day" she finished clapping and smiling widely while fanning her self.

    I was speachless...I was really shocked at the three shocking surprise....but I was glad. everything was great...

     I couldn't talk so I just nodded my head acknowledgement.

    She laughed out loud and leaned closer before......pecking my forehead. My heart was about to explode.

     "Thank u for coming back gumball. Thank u for keeping your promise." She said nodding her head.

    I was just looking at her....lost in her beauty. Her beauty inside out. Her personality beauty. And her face beauty that she doesn't realize.....she was just the girl my heart race to her.

     "'T-the hell are u staring like look like a sick grandpa." She laughed out loud. I chuckled and shook my head.

     "I am getting lost in your beauty." I admited. She smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of her neck.

     "I was just messing with you last time don't have to take it seriously." She said avoiding my eyes...hope she likes me...really.

      "But I am not messing with you"


    It has been a week since I woke up and I can walk now....I can feel everything now...I was ready to go out now.......and the big shocking surprise is that the vaccine seems to work.

    Matt said that it worked on me and I seem fine....he said that all they need is onother test and BOOM there will be a cure for the humanity....and it is all because of the way. I have been waiting for her for like 10 minutes and she was not here yet.

    But as I was going to get up from my bed the door busted open with panting naggi. "S-sorry I am late.....there was a traffic out side....I am just kidding...I couldn't sleep all night thinking about you and guess what?....I fall asleep right before the morning came." She laughed slightly and moved closer to me before ruffling my hair. I smiled.

    Smiling was the most difficult thing to do since I lost my parents. But she made it the easiest thing to do.

    "You can walk right?" She asked looking at me. If I said no she would probably not help me. So eventhough I don't need help I need her closer.

    "Not really. My right leg feels a little numb" I pouted looking at my totally fine leg. She smiled and nodded her head before sliding her one hand on my waist and the other hand grabbing my hand and putting it on her shoulder. She is unbelievably cute.


       Bye for now guys. And I want to say something. Thank u for 800 readers. That really means a lot to me.

     And don't forget to stay safe, stay clean and have fun😜...I love you🥰🥰


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