chapter 12: Really mad

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      I reached to the first floor but stopped when I heard a voice from one of the apartment rooms. I was scared. OH MY GOD what if it is a girl ghost crying inside that apartment.

     Oh no nim there is no such thing about ghost right. Specially if the world is now abounded with zombies. The human society have found something scarier that ghosts.

     I gathered all my courage and opened the door pecking my head inside. And I was surprised to see.....yes you guessed it was Stanley. he was sitting on a couch and cleaning his wound with many first aid kits beside him and a knife on his lap.

    He stood up immediately and pointed a knife at me widening his eyes. But he looked surprised as me when he realized that it was me.
     "You. What are you doing here." He said frowning lowering his knife. How dare he. I saved his life for God's sake. And this is how he thanks me.  Wow I am impressed.

     "Ummm I came to get my thank u." I said but he just scoffed. What the hell is wrong with this guy, seriously. He thinks that he can survive by him Self huh? Yes he can nim. Yes he can.

     "No. go I am tired." He said waving his hands gesturing me to go out. Ow hell no! I have had enough.

     "What the hell man. What the hell are you? For the first time after the zombie apocalypse I thought I finally found someone. Someone to be my friend. And  from all of those punks it had to be you. You actually owe me many thank u's and sorry's but I forgive  you and it is ok.....I thought I found someone but does it really have to be someone like you?" I said as I can feel my voice crack. He really hurt my feelings very much. But no no I am not going to cry infront of this junkyard.

     I turned around to the door and walked out but I stopped, and turned around to look at him.. But he didn't seem that he was offended by my words. He was drinking a water which I want very much by the way.

      "I thought I would never say this to my friend but you are not my friend....... I actually regret saving your ass. I really hope you get bitten by thos freaks." I said before shutting the door behind me slowly not to make any unwanted sound.

     I can already feel my tears sliding down my cheeks but I wiped them right away with my hand, sniffing.

    I didn't want to stay at the same apartment as him but I have no choice. I would totally freeze if get out right now. I can already feel the cold over here that made my would to feel worse.

       I walked to the last room and opened the door to find the room clean and safe. I smiled for my self and walked to the bedroom to find a white bed in the middle of the room. Beside the bed there was a drawer with photo frames on it.

    I picked up one and saw three boys that looked like a teenager, smiling widely while holding a foot ball. The boy in the middle was jumping.

     There were other photos that have the same kid that was jumping. He looked happy and crazy. I wonder where he is right now. I wonder if he have a friend like stanly ass or if he have a friend who would never break his heart. Or I wander if he is still alive. I do5nt know.

     I started searching for a first aid kit, in the bathroom, living room,....every where but I can't find it. I have already messed up the room but there was no any first aid kit.

     I sighned and walked out of the room to search for a first aid kit except that punks room and my hand was killing me. It was still bleeding and the pain was still there. So I have to do something or I will never sleep in peace.

      I looked around and there was a little a zombie walking slowly along the hallway and he looked familiar. So I walked closer and saw his face and the first face that came in my mind was the boy on the photo. And the first thing that came to my eyes were tears.

     We were not supposed to live like this. We were not supposed to be like this. This world was not supposed to be like this. I missed the days that we used to get up early in the morning and walk out of our homes to where ever we are planning to go with out any worry or fear that some random zombie might attack as.

      We weren't supposed to live like this.


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