chapter 58: The safe zone.

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       Hellow guys, enjoy the ride☺️☺️😚😚


    We were now walking in a white hallway with white light. People with white gown and masks were walking around here and there. Some with notebook in there hands and others with some suff.

      I was looking around with many emotions in my head. Happiness, Excitement, Feeling to cry, Scared and shocked at the same time. I was going to lose my mind.

     As a doctor was passing  by, Matt stopped him. "Hey trevor, Where is the new special case at?" He asked as the man looked down at his notebook and looked up again.

    "Stanely watterson?" He asked as my lips immediately formed a big smile.

     "Yes yes, stanely watterson." I nodded smiling widely. Trevor looked at me and back the the solider.

      "You can't get in now. There are checking on him. His case is really special." Trevor said before passing us while shaking his head in amusement.

    My smile dropped as I looked down with a pout. I missed him Already. I hope he will be ok and stay ok untill I kill him with my nagging.

     "Hey, He is going to be fine? Now follow me we have to see someone for your case" he said before we started to walk again.

       After walking like forever, We stopped infront of a glass door. There was a woman sitting inside with her glasses on and her head down. She seems like she was thinking deeply or.....sleeping? I couldn't tell.

     The solider knocked on the door before opening it and getting In. "Hey rose" he said walking to the her chair before pecking her cheek.

    She looked up at him and signed before smiling weakly. "Hey, hun" she said before looking at me. I was standing there awkwardly looking at them before waving my hand at her smiling.

    "Hi, my name is nimeni" I said before walking to her and stretching my hand. She smiled widely and shook my hand. She had a blond hair tied up in ponytail. She looked at her late 30th.

     "Oh, I am rose. I am scientist over here" she said looking around the room. "You must had a tough time. You have to wash." She said looking up at the solider and back at me. I nodded smiling sheepishly while rubbing the back of my neck.

     "Guess why I brought her here?" Matt asked smiling at me. "She says that she is immune." Matt said as Rose stood up immediately looking at him in wide eyes.

    "What? What do you mean that she is immune? Huh?" She said looking at me in surprise. I smiled again and nodded my head. "You better not be shitting me Matty. Cuz I am not in the mood of kicking ass." She glanced at him and back at me.

     I put out my phone from my back pocket and put on the photo of the insect before showing them. I was hoping that this would work. I was really hoping that I could save everyone. I could save him.

     "This is impossible" they both whispered still looking at my phone. After staring at it for like 10 minutes I was tired then a sign escaped my mouth. I mean they looked like a statue looking down at some random table or something.

     They both looked up a shocked expression still on their faces. "Oh....sorry nimeni right?.......can I take a blood sample from you?" Rose asked making me scared again.

     "No hun. They have taken a blood sample guys just have to test it and know everything. She have to rest now."' He said walking to me again and putting his hands in my shoulders from the back.

     "Come on kiddo, let me show you your cabin." He said before we walked out of the room and back the the hallway.

      "I will give you neat closes and you can rest in your room" he said calmly as we walked outside again. The clouds were now dark as and thunder was heard.

     People which were outside started to run inside. Some of them were laughing and some where cursing as the rain started to pour.

     "Shit....let's move." The solider said as we started walking quickly to one of the small cabins that were lining up.

    We stepped on a porch infront of a cabin door. "Get inside. I will bring you your closes later....ask yasmin to share some closes with you" he said before patting my head and running in the the now heavy rain.

    "OK THANK U SOLIDER MATT" I yelled waving at him as he started to chase some kids which were still outside playing with the rain. I just wanted to play in the rain like them but I don't want to get my ass kicked by a soldier.

    I signed and turned to the door again. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door slightly.

   After knocking like three times, the door was open to reveal a Muslim girl smiling widely. She was wearing glasses  with a black hijab. She was wearing black sweater and sweatpants.

      "'Get in get in get is raining" he pulled me inside and closed the door behind her. I looked around and the cabin looked cozy and nice. There was a small Matt on the floor. There were a messy bed with black sheets at the corner of the room and beside it there was a nicely made bed which I think is mine.

    "I am sorry. I like my bed messed up like that. It looks cozy" she said stepping in front of me fixing her glass  "I am yasmin by the way" she stretched her hand smiling. "Hope we will be best roommates."


     I smiled back and shook her hand. "Guess we already are"She seems nice and cool with black everything black. I like that. And what made me like her more was that she likes her bed messed up. That is definitely me.

      "I like my bed messed up too"


      Bye for now guys, hope you enjoyed and sorry for the mistakes I keep making.😔😔😔

    Love to all my readers❤❤❤❤

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