chapter : 55 : Chaos

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         Hey guys, enjoy the ride😊😊🎢🎢


    We walked out of the building as the cold breath of the morning hit our faces.  I smiled as i felt the refreshing wind.

     We continued our journey in silence. I was looking around alarmed if any of the zombies were around. But I was stopped with gumballs hand infront of me.

    I looked up at him as he put his index finger on his lips looking infront of him.

   "Shhhh....something is wrong." He whisperd glancing at me. The first thing that came in my mind was George and his father which scared me a lot. I don't know why am I scared of them this much. But I am really scared maybe because of the dream.

     We heard a noise from an alley which was near us so we shifted our attention to that. Aiming our guns. But nothing appeared.

     "Let's move....there is-"

   "We are here.....put your guns down" we heard a very familiar voice from the back. And George appeared infront of us with his gun aiming at us......but he looked sad.  sad?

     We slowly turned around to see the man aiming the gun at us....."I said put your guns down." Then he suddenly shot near my legs making me jump up high like a crazy rabbit dropping my gun.

     "C-calm down man...what is wrong with you?" Gumbal asked putting his gun down and i found my self moving closer to gumball but I was suddenly snatched away from him from the back. I looked to the back to see George looking away and pulling me to the man.

      "Hey hey, Please what do you want....please leave her alone...she didn't do anything" gumball started pleading.....I was scared even to say a single word..but what makes me more scared was when I saw many zombie running to us out of the alley. The alley beside gumball.

     My eyes were wide staring at the zombies...especially the zombie with was infront of them all. "G-GUMBALLL RRRUUU-" and the thing i feard the most happened.

    The zombie jumped right in top of gumball sending him straight to the ground.....but i was not taking it now. I was not scared for my life...i was scared for gumball as my adrenaline rushed up my spine.

     I quickly kicked George's face with my elbow and run stright to gumball who was still struggling with the zombie....I grabbed the zombie's head and twisted it to separate the head and the body...

    Blood was splashed all over my face and hand but I didn't mind. I looked to my back and the other zombies were right behind me. "GET UP! GET UP GET! UP!RUN" I screamed at gumball as he immediately stood up and started to run as fast as he could.

    I looked to my back and saw the man and George aiming at the zombies but not shooting. I didn't waste anytime as I grabbed my rifle and started chasing and shooting the zombies which were following behind gumball.

      I looked over my shoulder again to see George and his father running towards me while other zombies followed behind them.....this was a chaos.

      I continued shooting untill one zombie was I was about to shoot the last one I heard a scream from the back to I turned around to see the man laying on the ground with a zombie over him while George shoot the zombie from the back before another zombie attacked George. This really was a chaos.....I wanted to help them but my mind was at saving gumball.

     But what made my heart stop was when hearing onother scream from infront of me....gumball's scream.

    I looked infront of me and what I saw was........ unbearable.

There was the last zombie hovering over gumball while gumballs arm was between it's teeth as gumball kept screaming.

       I started running as fast us I could but time seems to move slower and slower. It is not true nim....all you are looking at is just a dream...everything is a dream...........Gumball is not bitten.


    I aimed to the zombies head and blow it's mind off before reaching gumball who seems very shocked. 

     Some zombies were still behind us so I turned around and shoot them straight in the middle of their eyes sending them to hell with a shaking hands.

     I then quickly turned around to see gumball staring up at me with watery eyes. "Naggi" he whispered as a single tear slid down his left cheek.

    "I am here"

    I quickly grabbed his shoulder and picked him up. All that was in my mind was saving him.......saving my friend....saving the one that makes my heart go boom boom. Saving my life.

      He wanted to talk but I just shushed him taking him to the nearest shelter we could find and that was a small cafeteria.

    I put gumball down and locked the door before checking every corner of the cafeteria. Thank God it was out of danger.

    I sat beside gumball who was leaning on the reception area and looking at me with crying eyes.

      "I have to t-tell you many things before I d-die." He whispered holding my hand....but all I was thinking about was saving him...just saving him by any means possible.

    And the light up my head light up..... my blood is could work. It might work.

     I started looking around for any sharp thing but there was no any. "G-give me your knife.....hurry up give it to me" I said as he just looked at me. I started searching on him. I must save him.

      I smiled when I found the knife in his pocket and put it out before cutting my palm immediately.....I was not feeling any pain. The only pain that I was feeling was in my heart. I don't want to lose the most precious person that I have ever meet in my entire life after my grandmother. I love this guy.

     "W-what are you going naggi? Stop won't work" he grabbed my hand but he was too late. A blood was already streaming out of my hand.

     "T-this might be disgusting but you have to do it.. open your mouth. I won't accept a no" I said firmly putting my hand infront of him

   "Naggi this-"

  He grabbed my hand again but I snatched it before giving him the most intimidating glare that I have ever glared......

I have to save him.

    He looked at me for a second and slowly opened his mouth...I was quick to squeeze the blood out of my hand and right down to his mouth....I can feel that there is many blood that was pouring out but I don't mind....

   I have to save him

     I felt a single tear slide down my eyes followed by many other...I tried to control my tears but I couldn't...I was not that strong...I was hands started to shake as my tears kept falling down....

     I don't want to lose this guy....I don't. this guy means a lot to me.....and when i mean a lot...i mean my hole heart.....he is so annoying and always with a bored expression but....i like it..he is sweet and good deep inside. I don't want him to die at all.



     Bye for now guys, hope you enjoyed.

     Guess what guys, I AM BAAAAACK IN THE HOUSE BABY😛😛😛😛.

  Sorry guys for not updating for like forever. I am sorry if you have been waiting. Our country was and still is in chaos and the internet access was closed to all. I missed you all so much. I missed everything.



   I love you guys. Keep reading❤❤❤❤❤

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