chapter 9: sharing

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    Hey guys. Enjoy


        I woke up and I was staring at the ceiling blankly but my mind was not with me. It was with the safe zone that the lady on the news said about. I wonder what it would look like, people walking hear and there like old times. Children running around playing and screaming in excitement. I really want to feel that feeling.

     I shifted on the floor that was starting to hurt my back badly and I stood up straight. It was still dark but I can tell that the morning will take over soon. I was really annoyed of this uncomfortable sleeping place, and the cold weather was not helping.

     I looked up at the bed and saw gumball laying on the bed. I can't tell if he is sleeping or not be cause his back was facing me. He didn't even bother to invite me to the bed. At least let it out. But I couldn't help it. I will invite my self.

     I stood up signing as I felt my relaxing muscles and bones crack. I walked near the bed and leaned forward to see if he is sleeping or not. And to my luck he was sleeping, and that was a chance for me to get in to the  big bed. He wouldn't mind, right?

      I slowly lift the thick sheets and climbed inside the bed to feel the warmth. "God this is warm shit." I whisperd to my self and snugging in deeper.

     Soon the sleep was taking over me a smile on my face due to the warmth. God how could he take all the warmth to him self. It was not fair.

     I was about to close my eyes when he shifted and turned around as I kept my eyes wide and my mouth shut. He would probably push my cold ass off of the bed.

     I was staring at him as he opened his eyes slowly and closed them again but only to open them wider.

   Before he pushed my cold ass off yelping. Yup I was not wrong

     I fell down bumping my head  and twisting my hand slightly in the process. I sat back up slowly rubbing the pain in my head.

    "What the hell are you doing?" He asked widening his eyes.

    "Chill bude. It was cold and uncontrollable down here. I just needed  warmth." I said standing up as he followed my actions by his eyes.

     "You just scared the shit out of me. What do expect me to do? Hug you or something?" He said before turning around and laying on the bed. That is a good idea by the way

      "I am sorry......but I think cuddling is a great idea. I mean it would give us-"

      "Are you shitting with me right now?." He mumbled in a muffled voice but it was enough for me to hear.

      "Actually no. I am not shitting with you. I think-"




"Pretty please~"I whined.


"Pretty please. With a zombie on top?" I said clasping my hands together clapping slightly. He groaned and sat up glaring at me with a messy bed hair.
   And he looks like an angry puppy.

    "You can sleep here but there will be no cuddling or hugging or something like that. I just want to sleep." He said laying back again. I pout but grinned again. This is the most he can do. I didn't expect more from him. I mean I was doing this specially to annoy him. And it was fun.

     I plopped inside the covers and snuggled in. Smiling while taking the warmth in.




   I woke up again when the cold breath invaded my body. I shivered and stretched my hand and grabbed the sheets and tried to pull them only to fail due to my weakness of the sleep, but something was not making it move.

    I turned around groaning and saw that gumball was warped up like a boritto while shaking. Oh come on  I was the one who is supposed to be shaking around here.

      I grabbed the sheet and ripped from him harshly which caused him to whimper. "I came here to enjoy the warmth and the comfort and you are taking the one away." I mumbled as he opened his eyes but he was not looking at me. He was string at the celling but he closed them again pulling the sheet to him self harshly again.

   What the actual hell is his problem?

   "Anna....please. just let me sleep." He mumbled groaning.

    Ow shit. I think he is still sleepin.

    Then I have an idea. No I have  a blanket. On The floor. I turned to the blanket on the floor grinning widely and picked it up before warping my self like a dorito and laying back on the bed.

      Who might me Anna?


     I just want to say that I am very sorry for the mistakes I made and I am Gonna make. I know that there are many grammar and spelling mistakes.

   I will try my best to correct everything.

   Thank u. And love ya*kiss kiss kiss with hugs*.

    And by the way. This chapter is dedicated to me. You know my wattpad account and my real name starts with y and ends with n .

      Comment your guesses. Except for the people who knew me already.

      Bye for now. Hope you enjoyed.

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