chapter 42 :Not dead anymore

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       It was back....everything was back to normal...people walking around like a normal day with out any worry on their faces. No zombies. No gun. No worry.

     Everything was back.

   I looked to my side and saw evana sitting on the sand that was near the beach......I walked to her and sat beside her.....but she didn't see me....I put my hand on her shoulder as she turned around slowly.

      "You are gonna be fine."  Her words came out like a calm music.....she then she turned around to the back and pointed her fingure.

    I turned around too following her was gumabll? He was standing in the middle of the sand as he smiled waving his hands at us.

     "Go to him...he is your friend." Evana said patting my I didn't waste anytime as I stood up and rushed to gumball who was still waving his hands.

      I stood in front of him and smiled widely."Come back~" and he just disappeared in to a thin air.....

      I opened my eyes slowly when the sun ray hit straight in my eyes. I groaned and rubbed my eyes before opening them And then the flashback came.

   Bad guys cought us, kicking main part, jumping for gumball, gumballs smile,and........nothing. I am alive.

   I looked around and I was in the car bed room?......but I felt a hand squizzing me a little so I looked down to see gumball laying down beside me. Facing me while holding my hand near his chest. My heart was going to explode. But I calmed my self down.

      "Heeeeey guuumbaaaal cutieee" I whispered caressing his hand a little. He stirred a little but immediately looked up widening his eyes.

     "Yo wassap" I said smiling widely..but he didn't say anything as he just kept staring at me like I come right back from the dead. He then slowly sat straight blinking his eyes severally.

     "Hey what is-" but I was cut off when.......he hugged me all of a sudden being carefull not to hurt me.

    I was shocked but that didn't restrict me from hugging him, patting his back  "I thought you died" he whispered still hugging me.....what? Hell no I will not die that easy....but I really thought I was dying. Really

     "Nahhh you will not get rid of your partner that easy" I said pulling out from the hug and looking at him.....and he had glassy eyes as he smiled.

     "Are you ok? Do you need something? Are you hungry?" and I cut him off by laughing slightly.....this is weird...he looks weird.

     "Hey man...stop it. It is not like you to worry about someone....just chill" I said patting his shoulder. "But i would really appreciate some food" i said smiling sheepishly he nodded immediately stood up and get out of the room.

      "It really is weird to see him like this." I mumbled to my self..... but it feels good tho. It is good weird.

     I looked out of the small window  and I frowned when I saw grasses everywhere. It looked like we were in the middle of a farm or something like that.

   I shifted my self comfortably and lifted the blanket to see my wound. I then slowly lifted the red sweater to see a white bandage wrapped around my torso.....he is really good at this. But WHAT? RED SWEATER? ... I thought I was wearing a dark blue hoodie.

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