chapter 39: I am scared

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    Hey guys, enjoy the ride 🎢


     I was waken up by the sound of low sniffing and heavy breath so I slowly opened my eyes and looked outside the window which I was leaning my face on.

    It was dark out side and raining heavily but what confused me the most was that the car was not moving.

   I was confused...why aren't we moving? Is gumball crying. My mind was blank for a second but as soon as I processed everything I snatched my head to gumball and what I saw confused me more and break my heart.

     Gumball was shaking hugging him self while sweating. He was mumbling something that I couldn't hear but his voice was not normal. His actions were not normal.

    So I didn't say anything as I stood up immediately tripping over my blanket but I didn't mind. I just throw the blanket on the chair and rushed to gumball sitting between the two seats.

    "Hey....gumball what is wrong?" I asked slowly touching his shoulder. But as soon as I did that, he flinched hard looking at me with wide glassy eyes. He was really crying.

     I couldn't u understand anything so i just tried my best. "I-it's ok it's me " i whispered and patted him. I didn't know what i was doing neither  didn't know what is wrong with him...i was confused as hell.

      "....i am s-scared....i am scared" he said in the weakest voice that i have ever heard from him. He was crying. He was really crying. But what is he scared of?

    I moved closer to him and tilted my head to look at him since he was looking down. I can feel my heart squshing when i saw tears flowing down his cheeks like a stream.

      "I-it's ok to be scared gumgum. Is it the rain" I said pulling him slowly towards me. I didn't know what I was doing I just want to make him feel better. I think this was what he ment when he said that he can't drive. He can't drive if it is raining

    "Come on, let's get you to the back" I said grabbing his arm gently and helping him up. He don't look well as he was shaking violently like he has been in Antarctica for year.

     He stood up slowly tripping on the process but I cought him in time and lead him to the back seat more like couch.

         I brought the thick blanket from the passengers  seat and put it on his back.

    "It is ok. Just just calm down ok?" I said calmly and giving him a side hug but I didn't expect him to lean his head on my shoulder grabbing his blankets tight. But I was surprised at the same time warm hearted.

    I smiled and started to slowly caress his hair. "I know you won't believe me if I said everything is going to be ok, I won't believe my self either.....but we have to be strong...we have to be stronger to survive .......I might not know why are you scared but I am scared too....I am scared that this world will end and I would never see anybody again....I am scared that I would never see normal talking people again...I wouldn't never laugh in group with people again..." I said almost whispered my hands still playing on his hair.

     "All I am saying is we just have to hope for the best and prepare for the worst" I gently kissed his head.

     I looked down at gumball tilting my head and my smile Got wider when I saw him closing his eyes while breathing calmly.......he was something.

      I slowly and carefully slide away from him and stood up. I layed him on the couch and covered him with the blanket more untill his chin was covered. I then patted his head and pecked his forehead quickly before he waked up and kill the shit out of me....but it is not like he would wake up.

     "Thank u for staying with me and being my friend that you didn't realize being." I said to him eventhough he was not listening.

    I walked back to the front seat after grabbing three cans of pringles and one soda. I started the car and drove off. Munching my snack like shit.

      "It has been a while since I have talked to my self.......well hellow old friend how are you going.?"

       "Ow hey. It's been a while since I heard from you and I am not old..I am still me.....where have you been?"

      "I was just out on an adventure or you can call it a chaos....."

        "Oh I missed you so what is new?"

      "Well I missed you too darling......well I found a friend....expect he don't know and don't even wanna be my friend."

     "Don't tell me it is that rude ass dude you found at the supermarket that I want to bit the shit out of?"

      "W-well well yes it is him...BUT but he is different now"

      "Are you kidding me..he looked like he has left his emotions and expressions in side his mother's womb....he looked like bridge stone  except he is a real bridge stone."

      "Let me tell you something that will make you believe that he is an actuall human being not a bridge stone."

     "He moves?"

   "No no.....well that is one thing...but the main point is......HE CAn hug"

       "Shhhh  we don't want mister huggybag to wake up and show us his stone face but.....WHAT? HE CAN MOVE?...HE CAN HUG? Ok ok....deep breath inner thought.....but what do you mean by that?"

      "Well when I say he can hug.....i mean he can warp his arms around things....or human beings or me or -"

   I stopped talking to my self when I saw a light through the mirror....didn't know what it was so I slowed down the car looking closely to the mirror....and I widened my eyes when I saw two lights.....a car?



     Bye for now guys, hope you enjoyed

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