chaper 24: extinct

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     Hey guys, enjoy 😊😊


     "HEY GUMBA YOU REALLY HAVE TO SEE THIS." I yelled laying down on my back and looking up at the blue sky.

     "Naggi" I heard his voice so I immediately sat up and looked down to the ground. And I saw gumball looking up at me with the expressiong that he can bring up. Bored. He was holding two cans of soda which he probably found in the car.

     "Would you care to help me come up." He said. See this is not definitely gumball.

     "O-ok ok. " I said stretching my hands. He handed me the sodas and claimed up the ladder carefully not to hurt his leg. I was smiling widely. I really wanted to share this with someone.

    He sat a little far from me and took the can of sodas from me.

     "Did you being that for me?" I asked grinning. He glanced at me and back at the soda and he shook his head clearing his throat. He is definitely lying.

    "N-no.i brought this for me.", be said looking infront of him.

     " are a good person. You don't  have to be embarrassed because you brought me a can of soda. I am your partner." I said nodding and smiling.

      "But you can take one if you want." He said handing me one. His eyes were still fixed Infront. I took the soda and opened it before drinking almost half of it. Hell I was soo thirsty.

     We looked at the veiw for like ten minutes. Eventhough it was silent the winds were singing for us. It was calm silent. I looked over to gumball and hell I didn't realize how handsome he is.

     He was looking infront of him while the wind blew his hair messing it. He have a slightly chubby cheeks with slightly pink lips. I can see a small mole under his bangs which were flying due to the wind. He indeed is handsome.

    He looked at me and back to the front don't care if I was cought staring. "I I iam sorry." He stuttered out. And that was enough for me to widen my eyes and my mouth. My jaw literally dropped down on the floor.

    "I really am. You saved my life many times, you have treated my wound, you have forgiven me, you came back for me, you invited your self to be my partner....and you showed me a view."

     "Stop it. My jaws can't go further down." I said shaking my head. He looked at me and.......SMILED a little. But that was big in my eyes.

     "Stop it man.....look" I said moving closer to him. I moved my sleeve up and put my arms infront of him. "I am having goosebumps." I said and looked at him only to see him looking at my And back at me.

     "But I don't have goosebumps to give you." He said and looked back up to the front. He is making a joke. He is.......I am speechless.

      "You are really making a j-"

"Shhhhh. Listen", he said putting his index fingure on his lips. I was confused. I didn't here anything so I looked around and back at him.

     "I can't here anything. What is it.?" I whispered tilting my head to look at him.

     "Silence When you are nothing talking" he said and my face dropped. He is becoming rude again.

      "I will  not stop talking then......sooo what is your name? Where do you live? Do you know where is live? What is you favorite color?"

       "What is that on your hand?" He asked nodding to my hand. I lifted my right hand and looked at it. It is obvious that it is a wound. "No no on your left hand. There is a wound that looks like an insect bite." He said pointing at his own hand where the insect bite was.
      I pulled my sleeve up and looked at what he was talking about. And I saw that bite from the insect in the first day of he zombie apocalypse.

       "Oooo this one? Well some kind of weird insect bite me. The first day. Do you wanna see the picture of the insect?" I asked nodding looking at him. He shrugged and looked back at the view putting his hood on.

      "But I will show you what ever you say because I want to see it again."

    I pulled out my phone from my pocket and opened gallery. I opened the picture of the insect which was still wired looking till now before handing it to gumball.

      I glanced at the picture and back to the infront before looking at my phone quickly again widening his eyes.

     "What what is it? Do you know this insect?" I asked as he nodded slightly, his face still fixed on the phone.

     "It is a very old species. Rare. You can't find this kinds of insects nowadays. They are very small of them....are you sure that you are showing me the right picture?" He asked scaring me. What does he mean by they are rare? Then did it come to only bite me and go? This is not undaestsndsble at all.

     "W- what? Yes it is the right picture..what does this insects do?" I asked in a worried expression. I mean this is very confusing. How can it be rare and appear all of a sudden to bite me?

      He looked up at me and sighned. " I don't know but I know that they fly and they have many kind of colors." He said shrugging. This is weird as shit. I have never heard of this kinds of things.

      "I am going down." He said and get down from the ladder to the ground.

     This not possible. He might be wrong.


   Bye for jow guys, hope you enjoyed

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