chapter 6: Limp

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Hey guys enjoy and I want to announce one thing....this chapter is dedicated to my best friend. Her wattpad account is brazifs.....and real name is Eman Beshash.

She would probably kill me because I told her real name.🙊🙊


I was driving in silence for like 30 minutes and that was not comfortable. The guy was just staring blankly at the front window.

"Soooo are you ok?" I tried to break the silence but of course he didn't say any thing. He didn't even move an inch.
"Do you want to eat something?" I asked again. But no he didn't say any thing.

"Oh come on man. You cant just shut your mouth like that. I saved your life ya know....ok just say thank u." I said my eyes still glued to the front. Of course I was saying this because I just want to talk. I don't really need him to say thank u but I don't mind If he just say it.

I signed when he didn't even bother to turn around so i just turned in some music but I didn't make it in a high volume. Just to make the silence comfortable.

I was still driving thinking about how to make someone talk. I know I am learning psychology. But I am trying ya know. I turned my head to the side and surprisingly saw the guy sleeping. Resting his head on the window while his mouth hang open as a little snore skip out of his lips. And I can tell that he is in pain because he was wearing a little frown in his face. I really want to know why is he trying to stay away from me. I really do.

I looked straight and saw a little pharmacy at the corner of the street. I have a first aid kit but I don't really have some specific things that I need. I have passed many pharmacies before but i was too lazy to pull over and go inside. But now I have to get some painkillers and other stuff because I have to help this pity guy.

I pulled over to the side of the road and signed before looking at the sleeping guy. "I will be back. You better be here when I come back." I whisperd and turned to the back and grabbed another rifle since i threw the first one.

I walked out if the car shivering to the cold and hugging my self. It is really getting cold nowadays. I mentaly noted to get more warm clothes and walked to the slightly opened pharmacy.

I passed through the crawling zombies and past the broken glasses in to the chaotic pharmacy. It was a little scary with all white walls and white shelves. It really gives you that scary vibe of a hospitals to be honest.

"Oook what are we searching for over here?" I walked to the counter and searched for some painkillers and other important things.

After getting everything that I want. I guess? And putting them inside a plastic bag I found on the ground, I walked out swinging the plastic bag back and forth.

As I reached to my car I quickly opened the door and plopped inside sighing. I looked over to the still sleeping guy. I didn't want to wake him up since he looks so tired but I have to treat his wound. I am 99% sure that he will end up threatening putting a knife which was still in his hands on my neck. But I think I am used to that. But there is 1% hope in me that he wouldn't do that.

So depending on that 1% hope I put my hand on his shoulder slowly before shaking him slightly. "H-hey. Wake up man" I whispered preparing my self for any attack that would come. But he didn't wake up. "Hey. Hey man wake up." I shook him harder but he didn't even move. And that was worrying me a little bit. I mean I would probably jolt up if you even touch me when I am sleeping. Ya know I am a light sleeper.

But thinking that we are different I shook him harder making my voice a little bit louder. Still alarming my self. But nothing happened. So I was now panicking. I grabbed his shoulders and picked him up from where he was leaning. But his body was limp. I quickly felt his pulse and sighed in relief when I felt a familiar pumping veins.

But I don't want to west time. I needed a place to treat him since this car is a little small to treat somebody's wound of limp body. So I drove off to the nearest hotel or hospital or something.

After driving for ten minutes I saw a small hotel at the side of the street. So I pulled over and quickly jumped out of the car. I looked around to see if there were zombies to distract but to my luck there were no.


Bye for now. Hope you enjoyed. And vote, comment and share please.


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