chapter 50: Sober

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      Hey guys, enjoy the ride🎢🎢😊😊


   ■In the morning■ ◇ nimeni' POV◇

    my head was pounding hard that I thought my brain and heaet exchanged place. I groaned and opened my eyes slowly to be stinged by the sudden ray of the sun.

    I quickly covered my eyes with my hand and turned around...the pain on my head was unbearable. The the worst of all is that I don't remember shit about last night. It was like blank paper.

    "Shit" I groaned agin and slowly stood up. I have to find painkillers or something or I am gonna die of headache.

    I stumbled to the door and downstairs to the living room. I looked around and saw gumball sleeping on the couch with a blanket over his body. He was opening his mouth wide as he slightly snored.

   I smiled and walked over to the bag that was on the floor before opening it. I took out the painkiller before closing the bag again slowly making sure not to make any sound.

    I walked to the kitchen and poured my self some water before gulping down the painkiller with the water.

     But suddenly, I felt a sour thing coming up from my stomach and up to my throat. Vomit. Shit

   "Shit" i cursed and dashed upstairs and straight to the bathroom. And I started to let out everything in my belly to the toilet.

      I was gagging so much and the sour feeling on my throat was unbearable. I can feel tears sliding down my cheek. This shit is serious. I am never drinking again. Ever.

    After letting out probably everything, I stood up and washed my face and gurgled with some listerine.

     I then walked downstairs felling empty as shit. I was hungry too. I sat on the sofa downstairs and leaned back sighning.

     Instead of hearing birds chirping and kids playing, i was hearing moaning and groaning of zombies that disgusted me so much. This humanity doesn't deserve this. People doesn't deserve this. This world doesn't deserve this.

      "Are you sober? Cuz if you are not i will probably be glad to get out of this house right now" I turned around to see gumball looking at me like I am scarier than zombies. I was confused. The hell is he talking about?

     "What? Why?" I asked tilting my head in confusion. Then it hit me. Shit I have probably done something stupid last night. I don't know shit about shit.

    "Next time you get drunk. Make sure that I am not around. Cuz I won't tolerate you next time." He said before standing up and rubbing his face.....I have definitely done something. Something very stupid

     I quickly stood up and clasped my hands together. "I am really sorry. I didn't know that wine would do such a terrible thing to me...I don't really remember anything. The last thing I remember is drinking the wine." I rumbled following him as he walked to the kitchen.

      "Stop are hurting my is ok just........don't do it again cuz I might feed to to the zombies or shot you on the head." He said drinking a water while leaning on the counter.

     Thank God...I put my hands down and smiled at him. "Thank u....but what did I do?" I asked leaning on the counter beside him.

     But instead of answering he just stared at me in a.....worried expression? Nah I don't think so. "What is wrong? You look sick." He asked tilting his head and frowning stepping a little closer......ohhhh yeah.

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