chapter 17: why are you doing this?

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     Hey guys, enjoy


      "Why are you doing this?" He asked in the same boring tone. And I was like huh? Did I just here right. Even if this is a small thing, this is a big thing. But why am I doing what? Is he talking about the food or the video or the nagging? I don't even know.

      "What do you mean?" I asked looking at him. He suddenly sat straight up and looked at me startling me a little.

     "Why are you doing this for me? You don't even know me. but you saved my life and threted my wound. And after I dumped you. You still didn't say anything and stayed with me. Why are you like this? are just making me feel guilty. I just can't be a good and thanking just leave me alone. More like just let me leave you alone..." he said still looking at me and I was shocked as hell.

      Did he just say that? WAAAAAAAAA this is the most shocking speech of my life. I have never heard this long talk from him. And the other shocking part is his voice was shaking and his eyes was glassy. But I won't do what he said.

     "No I won't let you leave me alone. Neither I will leave you is ok to feel guilty and it is ok if you think that you are a cold bad and not nice person. But i think that there is a good, warm hearted gumball in there...." I said smiling widely while pointing at his face. This speech is making me happy. And this was the first time that I am this happy since this all began.

       He didn't say anything as he get under the covers and layed back down. I couldn't see his face but I can tell that he is crying because a small sniffing was heard. I felt pity for him I bet he Is a soft hearted guy. And that is adding the urge to know him more.

    I walked over to his bed and climbed behind him. He froze when he felt that someone was on the bed and he turned around with unreadable expression.

    "What are you doing?" He asked moving back a little. I just smiled and stretched my hands to patt his head. And now I can see a little bit of expression on his face. It was like a mini shock.

      "Don't worry. Everything might not be ok so let's just hope for the best and prepare for the worst." I said still patting his head. His eyes were red and his  nose was red too. He looked cute. So I can't help it but tease him.

     "There is something on your face." I said pointing to his cheek. He looked at my figure and looked at me again. With a questioning look.

     "Your cuteness." I said and laughed. His expression was saying 'de hell are you doing?' And that was really funny.

      "You should see your face right now. There is something written on it.......a little bit of shock." I said bursting to laughter again clunching my belly and bending down. But what I heard next was the most shocking.......a chuckle?

    I immediately stopped and looked up but he was already laying down again. Unbelievable. I walked infront of him slowly with out making any sound and tried to look at him but he was covering his face with the blanket.

   I sighned and walked back to my bed smiling at my self. I got under the covers and was about to sleep when I remembered.

     "Hey stanly."




       "GUMBALL WATTERSON" I yelled and he groaned.

     "What do you want?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

     "Eat ok? Unless you wanna starve to death. I don't know how to dig a grave so I will just feed you to the zombies and-"

      "ok ok ok shut the hell up naggi. I will eat." He said. It is a nick name then. I like it. This means he is becoming open. I hope.

      "I don't like my nickname." I said. He is now gonna call me naggi his whole life. Hehehehehe.

      "naggi" he said and I hold  a big laugh back.

     "I don't like it"

"I don't like mine too"

     "You can call me naggi then...I can't stop calling you gumball." I said snuggling in to the bed and turning my head to him.  "Thank you by the way. You saved me from those men. And you were right about the other men. Sorry for not believing you" I said in a small voice. Be didn't say anything.


    Let's just hope for the best and prepare for the worst.


   Bye for now guys. and I want to ask you guys a favor....I have a really bad tooth ache so please pray for me...I just needed to say this

    Hope you and comment please




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