chaprer 30: Stationary

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       We were waiting for gumball and it was already getting dark. And I was so worried that I am about to throw up.

     "Where the hell is he." I mumbled to my self walking to the table and to the front sit and repeating the action. My heart is not calming down.

      "I have to go and search for him before I throw up." I said grabbing the knife from the table. Jacob stood up and grabbed my arms.

     "Don't try to stop me because I won't stop." I said looking back at him.

    "Don't be late." He said smiling sadly and patting my shoulder. As I was about to open the door it busted open revealing panting and sweating gumball.

     "They are coming.....DRIVE." he yelled closing the door. I didn't waste any time as I rushed to the driver's seat and tried to start the car....but it won't.

    I tried again and again twisting the key in the key hole. "Shit what is wrong with this shit" I said trying again and again. But it won't start.

     "DRIVE ALREADY " I heard gumballs voice followed by a familiar groan of zombies banging the door. My heart was beating fast and my hand was sweating making my grabb on the key hard. I checked to gas and for our NOT luck we were out of gas. I throw the key in frustration and cursed at the stupid mindless car.

     "WE ARE OUT OF GAS.....WE HAVE TO GET OUT." I yelled looking back at them. They were standing infront of the door with guns? In their hands.......what? From where do that guns came from? But it was not the time to ask.

     "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE ARE OUT OF GAS?" Gumball asked looking at me. He looked pale and panicked.

      "BY THAT I MEAN WE. ARE. OUT. OF. GAS. MAN" I yelled back.

     "Shit." He mumbled before they rush to me.

     "What are we going to do. They are going to eat us alive. "Jacob said panting leaning on gumball but it didn't last long when gumball give him a burning glare and Jacob was quick to lean back on the chair.

    "Let's go out by here" I said pointing g to the  drivers seat door. They didn't waste any time on nodding.

     I opened the door slowly not to make any voice and scanned the area before stepping out. They followed from behind getting out of the car with a  big bag.  I won't ask what it is since I want it to be a surprise for me later.

    I looked around and saw a small stationary with small glass door a little far from our spot. And it looked fine and empty.

     "Come on let's go to the stationary." Gumball talked my mind. And we started jogging to there making sure that those mother eaters are not following us.

     We were alarmed looking around non stop that it started to hurt my neck.

   We reached to the door to see it locked. Gumball kneeled down beside the door and I was quick to grabb my other pin from my hair before handing him. He looked up at me and nodded before taking the pin.

     "Come on co-" Jacob didn't finish his words when gumball opened the door. We rushed inside as fast as we could and I closed the door shut.

     "ufff. That was a close call." Me and Jacob said in sync. We looked at each other before bursting out laughing. Holding each others hands. It is obvious that we are tired by the sound of our laugh. We sound like a dying whale.

       I heard gumball scoff and looked up to see him walking away. "Hey gumball be care-," I shut my mouth when I remembered what he said. 'You said you wouldn't nag me so stop nagging me.'

      "Ok I am soo tired. Jacob said sitting down on the floor leaning on the small shelf behind him.

     "Hey.....don't you think it is the time that you have to sort things out......I mean you owe him an apology." I said sitting beside Jacob. He sighned and looked at me before looking down. He may be much more older than me but his personality is friendly. I am fond of him. He seems a nice person.

     "You are right.......I owe him an apology." He stood up and looked down at me as I looked up at him....."wish me luck." He said putting his fist I front of me.

     "Good luck young man." I said bumping his fist. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Thank u young lady."    he took a deep breath and walked away to where gumball went.

       I couldn't just sit there and wait until they get back. So I did what I had to do.....I went to them.......when I reached them gumball was sitting on the floor while Jacob sat beside him gumball was facing away from jacob.

    I hide behind a shelf making sure that I am not visible. I will be so happy if they come together again. I will be proud of my self. Hehe.


    Bye for jow guys, hope you enjoyed

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