chapter 15 :saving me

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   Hey guys, enjoy


        "Yes we are headed to the safe zone. Do you need a ride?"  The other man said standing beside the older man.
    I think I will search for him. I mean what could go wrong right? If I left him here and find out he become a zombie later I would live my life as guilty as possible.

      "Nah. I am waiting for a friend. You can go. " I said smiling at them. But they just stood there not moving before the older one smirked.

     "I think it is better if you come with us." He said moving closer. What the hell is he doing? He moved closer a creepy smirk still plastered on his face. Holy shit

     "Nah. It is ok really." I said stepping back looking at him in narrowed eyes. He doesn't look a good person at all. I can tell that he is thinking about something not very good right now.

      "Oh no thank u by the way. It has been nice of you." I said but before I could run, a hand grabbed my shoulder firmly and he pinned me to the counter making me wince in pain.
    See this is not a good man.

   I was scared as my heart started to beat no please not the panic attack.

    "Hey harry. Let's go. Some dead are coming." The man from behind said patting his shoulder. But he didn't let me go as he tightened his grip on my shoulder.

     "L-leave me alone old man. What the hell are you doing?" I said wiggling but there was no use. I was getting weak.

     "I have never seen a young girl like you since the apocalypse started." He said and I can smell his stinky alcohol breath as he leaned closer.

      "And I think she would be the last one you will ever see." We heard a familiar voice and the men turned around to the back and to my shock and surprised it was......gumball? He was holding his knife up like he would throw it at a person and will never miss.

     "Who the hell are you?" The old man said and I took that as a chance to kick his.....main part. He groaned and stepped back putting his hands over where I kicked him. God I have always wanted to do this.

     I rushed to gumball, but I didn't get to  reach there when someone grabbed my hair and pulled me back. I winced and grabbed my hair closing my eyes shut.

      "Leve me the hell alone." I said before kicking his with my elbow straight on the youngers man face. He also groaned and fell down with a freaking bleeding nose.

      gumball suddenly grabbed my hand an run out of the store.i was surprised but I was glad at the same time.

    There were zombies outside but they were distracted by other things.

      "Where are we going." I asked but he didn't say anything. He just kept running.

     After a while of running I was tired. I don't even know why we were running. But I was glad that we got away from those perverts.

     he looked around for a second and I can see a closed supermarket and it looked like it have been closed since the apocalypse. YES this is what we call a luck.

      "Come on" he said before running to the supermarket leaving hand. I followed him and looked inside through the bloody windows cupping my eyes and for sure it was empty and quiet.

      "Give me your pin." Gumball said kneeling on the floor with his hand stretched gesturing me to give him my pin. I took out the pin from my hair letting my hair slide down my shoulders to my hip and gave him the pin.

      He inserted the pin on the key hole and twisted it. And with one swift twist the glass door was opened and I was surprised.

     "Woahhh that's so cool bro" I said clapping with out any sound. I was just touching my palms together. Cheering without any sound just exhaling hardly.

    He didn't say anything as he pushed the door and scanned inside before getting in, me following behind him.

    The market was indeed quite and empty. I don't know how people didn't try to get in here. Maybe they were just very shocked and panicked at day 1.
     It was very quiet that I can here my breathing. The food and the other materials were arranged properly on the shelves and looked like they have never been touched.

      "Oh God this is heaven in hell." I said rushing to the food section with my arms open wide.

      "Do you know what you look like?" He said shocking me because he sound like he was smiling when he was saying that. I turned my head grinning like a maniac. I mean this is a once in a life time experience.

      But when I looked at him he didn't seem like he smiled or anything he looked like as bored as he is.

     "what?" He asked in a bored tone putting his hands in his hoodie pocket. And my smile dropped.

      "I thought you smil-"

"You thought and your thought is not correct." He said before walking away. God he his cold as fridge.

      "fridge ass." I mumbled to my self before walking to the bathroom that I hope there will be.

        Time to wash up


     Bye for now, hope you enjoyed.

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