chapter 49: Drunk??

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  Hey guys, enjoy the ride. 🎢🎢😊😊


      After eating our food the woman picked the plates and came sit back. "For this special occasion I ahava special thing." The Darius said standing up and walking to the cabbinate" I wanted to save this but I think it is better to drink it with people around us" he them take out a bottle of wine from the cabinet and four glasses from the other cabinet.

     "I hope you are not under 18" he then sat down. I didn't mind because I have tested when before and it tastes good. I looked over to naggi and she looked excited.

     "Have you ever tried of this things?" Darius asked handing us glass of red wine.

     I nodded my head taking the glass. But when I looked over to naggi she was shaking her head no an exited expression still on her face. What?....sshe is crazy.

     "It is her first time dear....she might not handle is strong" the woman said shaking her head like a cool mother. But naggi didn't west anytime as she grabbed the glass from Darius quickly and drank it with a swift.

    Ì looked at her widening my eyes....she is really losing it. She slowly lowered the glass with her eyes slightly wide and a little smile on her face....."That is really good. May I have another?" She giggled offering the glass to Darius. Darius just chuckled and poured some more on her glass which she drink it swiftly. Gosh

     I patted her shoulder as she looked at me grinning ear to ear. She looks creepy "Drink it tastes nicccccce" she said giving me thumbs up. Her eyes were not focusedas she blink them several times......I am confused right now...she is drank already?

    "See honey that's what I meant....this wine is strong." The woman said looking at the man who have a slight smile on his face. What is he smiling about?

     Naggi suddenly stood up throwing her chair to the back by the force and looked at me. "I-" she stumbles, hiccups skipping her mouth. "I have a wish" She said and starched her hands infront of me.

    I looked at her hands and back at her confused...... "Come oooon" she then grabbed my hands and pulled me up.

     "Calm down are drunk" I said calmly as she just stared at me.....her brown eyes were very close to mine....but then I felt a slight thing inside my chest. I have been feeling this kind of feeling for sometime now....but it always happen when naggi is around me...I don't even know if it is her fault or it is just a heart case

    "Let's jump on the bed *hiccup* is r-really fun." She stuttered and started dragging my to the stairs......I tried to slow her down but I couldn't because of her sudden movement.

    I was speechless as I looked over to the probably angry and confused people who were sitting on the chair....but they don't really look angry. they looked like they were looking at their kids playing and running around. They shouldn't do this...why are they doing this to me?

     But suddenly naggi stopped making me bumping in to her back and stumble back a little but she Holds me briefly. "Hehe...soryyyyy" she said and looked at the back of me to them. "Can we pleeeeease jump on the bed upstairs?" She asked like a child asking for over-dose of sweet....she is more childish when she is drunk.

     "Of course dear...make your self at home." Daris smiled at her....I gave him and pleading look but he just chuckled and siped his wine.

    As soon as he said that I was again dragged upstairs with naggi who was screaming "THANK UUUU"

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