chapter 13 : Thank u

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Hey guys, enjoy


I was tired and pained for like the whole time while I was trying to search for a first aid kit. But it turned out that nobody in this apartment have any first aid kit or that gumball ass have it all. I don't even know.

And let me not talk about the coldness. IT WAS AWFUL. VERY COLD, FREEZING. I can't even describe it. I was shaking so hard that my tooth are going to break any time soon because my mouth was shaking as well too.

And now I was standing infront of that punks room and I was so embarrassed of my self for asking any help. But all I have to do is sneak in to the room, grab the first aid kit and sneak out. It is easy right?

I slowly opened the door with a small creaking that almost made me shit my pants but it was not that loud. I hope.

I peaked my head out and looked around before spotting a familiar first aid kit On the table. I looked around again making sure that he is not out of the bed room. I sneaked in side still alarmed.

I slowly walked in side the room and grabbed the first aid kit quickly but my grab was not that tight over the kit so it flew out of my hand and everything was like a slow motion when the kit hit the ground with the loudest sound that it could ever make scattering all the supplies on the floor.

I was shocked and in a panic state that I didn't move for a second. But after processing everything I bend down and started to pick up the supplies trying not to make any sound. But It didn't help when the kit accidentally touched my wound which was Soooo painfull. I was panicking sick now. But then......

"What the hell are you doing?" I heard a familiar voice from infront of me so I looked up to see Stanley looking at me in a bored expression. I think he left his face expressing in his mother's womb. Awww shoot

I didn't say any thing as I grabbed the kit and stand straight before starting walking. But I was stopped by a hand on my wounded hand that made me scream in pain snatching my hand from him.

"Ouch, what the hell?" I said try not to cry of pain. And he didn't say anything looking at my hand in a blank expression.

"What happened to your hand?" He asked trying to reach my hand but I moved back looking at him.

"Don't ask or I might cut you to pieces." I said in a clinched teeth. I have never been hurt by anybody like this and I thing I might break my record of being angry at someone for long time.

He didn't say anything he just stepped closer to me and grabbed my hand harshly and looking at it.

"What happend?" He asked again in a more serious tone.

"Ummm I was hurt trying to kill zombies not to get to you. But I think I regret that too." I said shaking my head. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a second before opening them.

"Thank u." He said not looking at me. And I was taken back. Did he just say the 'Thank u'? I smiled and looked at him in an amazed expression.

"Did you-"

"I will take it back." He said and I dropped my smile pouting.

"For a second I thought you were a human being. But I guess not. but I forgive you. See this is my weakness-"

"Not being able to be angry at someone for a long come in sit down and clean your wound." He said before walking away. And I was taken back again. What the hell is this guy. He is making me curious about why he is acting this rude or something ya know.

I sat on the couch and grabbed some antibacterial liquid and put in on a cotton before slowly touching my hand with it. And hell it burnt the shit out of me. It was very very painfull and sour that I let a small whimper came out of my mouth but I held the rest back.

After cleaning it and bandaging it i walked out of the room thinking about tomorrow.

What would really happen tomorrow. With out car?


Bye for now, hope you enjoyed

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