chapter 52: Beautiful? sweets?

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    Hey guys, enjoy the ride🎢🎢

      what do you think of nimeni/ naggi?


     We then walked out of the store from the back door. The sky was cloudy as we can here a low thunder. It is probably going to rain soon.

      I looked around but saw nothing other than papers being blown by the strong wind. "Come on let's move..they are probably coming " gumball said and started walking scanning all the road.

     I looked over to an alley and there were zombies rooming around. I geatured gumball and the guy to stay and walked to the zombies.

     But I was grabbed by my hand. I turned around to see gumballholding my hand. "Be careful" he said before letting my hand go.

    "Count on me" I smiled and patted his shoulder.

     I walked in the middle of the zombies and looked around...there were like 10 zombies groaning and moaning like that is the best thing they can do.

     I took out a knife from my bag and grabbed the zombie's sticky hair before slicing it's throat with a soft making it's blood splash everywhere even o the other zombies.

    I walked to another zombie and punched it on the face then stabbed it's  head.

     After going like that for like 20 minute I killed all of the undead before walking back to them dusting the splashes of blood from my cloth.

    "We can pass now" I said smiling proudly, panting and leaned on gumball'sshoulder....the boy was awake now and was sitting on the ground. All of them were sitting on the ground except  gumball. They stood up with a shocked expression in their faces except gumball.

     "Hi I am immune" I said waving at them his fun to see how people would react to my immuneness.

     "How?" The man asked looking very serious.

     "I don't know..I just am" I shrugged

    The man now looked at me like I am some kind of experiment or something. He is weird right?

We have been walking like an hour taking a little bit in a little while. I was walking beside gumball with my rifle in my hands. It was quite for a while untill the boy approached me.

     "Hi" he said bumping to my shoulder. He was a little bit taller than me but shorter than gumball.

    "Oh hi....we didn't get to know eachother before.. my name is naggi" i stretched my hands to him. He looked down at my hand and shook it smiling.

     "I am George. Nice to meet you, beautiful" he said a slight smirk on his face. This is weird right?

     "Thank u for referring me as beautiful" I then took my hands away from his firm handshake.

     "It is ok....anything for you.......sweets" he smirked again. This time adding a small wink..I was not taking it any more.


"Would you please shut up...I am trying to enjoy the silence" gumball said pulling me towards him a little bit. I looked at him and nodded as he just stared infront of him.

     "Then you can walk ahead...let us talk" the boy said but I grabbed gumballs sleeve and pulled it slightly. He looked at me and then at George.

     "Nop, want to enjoy it with can talk to him" he pointed to the man who seems out of space.

     George signed and stepped beside me but as he was about to grab my hands I moved closer to gumball.

     "I said go talk to him...she is my girlfriend goddmit" gumball said pulling me behind him while glaring at George. Wait.........WHAT?

    I widned my eyes but stayed at the other side of gumball. "Ok ok chill man...I thought she was alone" George said walking to the the man

      "Thank u saved my life" I whispered to gumball. He was  holding my hand firmly as he continued walking with his eyes straight on the road.

     "Can I please have my hand back?" J asked looking at him.

    "No" he said but looked down at me widnening his eyes and letting go of my hand. "I mean...Y-yes." He stuttered while quickening his pace.

     I catch up with him smirking thinking of teasing him. Eventhough my heart bested so fast when he said that, I can't help it but tease him.

      "Don't say a word...just saved you from that asshole" he blurted out before I can even talk.

     "Ok ok....let me just say is a wish" I said laughing out loud. He clicked his tounge and looked at me crossing his arms.....he looked annoyed and mad. But I remembered something...I told him that u wouldn't nagg him anymore.

     "Oh sorry" I said covering my mouth with my hand. He raised his eyebrows.

     "Is that a wish? I have to say sorry?" he asked in a questioning look. I smiled and shook my head.

     "Sorry that I kept nagging you....I just couldn't help it...but bear with me I am really trying" I said giving him thumbs up.

   He clicked his toung and signed. "I-"

    "Hey naggi, is it?" the man approached up walking beside me. I nodded my head looking at him.

     "Have you thought of anything that could possibly make you immune?" He asked like a doctor.

    I thought for a second and shook my head...what could possibly be the cause for my immuneess? I have thought of it since I discovered that I am immune or invisible for the zombies but I didn't come in to any conclusions.

   "Ok have you had any connection with animals of anything that will make  you immune? Or any irregular food?" He asked again. And I remembered the insect bite from before.

     "I have an insect bite from the first day of the zombie apocalypse." I shrugged lifting my sleeve up and showing him the scar.

     He grabbed my hand and examined it. "What kind of insect is it?" He said looking up at me with curios eyes.
     I pulled out my phone from my pocket and showed him the photo....I am genius for taking that picture.

    He looked at the photo and a frown appeared on his face. "This is a very rare insect. How could it possibly exist now?" He said looking at it like it was the most amaizing thing in the world.

      "Do you think that this is the cause for her immuness?" Gumball asked as I nodded my head along.

     The man looked up and smiled.

         "I think we are going to live a long life." He smirked in the most creepy way possible.


      Bye for now guys, hope you enjoyed

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  Love to all my readers 🖤🖤🖤

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