chapter 60 : Cry out loud

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    Hey guys, enjoy the ride😊😊😊


        "Come on nim..please....come ooon" yasmin pleaded grabbing my arm and pouting. But it was not my mood to go out on a campfire. I love campfiring so much but I was not on the mood.

      It have been three weeks since we reached to the safe zone. It have been three weeks since gumball was unconcious. It has been three weeks since a big light inside my chest is turned off.

     "No yas....I will come next week I promise." I said bumping her shoulder. She just signed and picked her glass up from her bed and put them on before looking at me again.

     "Ok then....but I have to go now. I wish i could be there with you but you know i break things...and if i go inside i will probably break the door." We both laughed. Yeah she was right. She breaks everything. She even broke my phone which I chased her around the cabin for like an the doctors or any other scientists won't alow her to go inside. She is known for her clumsiness.

     "I know. I is bye I have to go to see gumball." I said and walked out after waving goodbye at her. But not before grabbing the book.

    Reason to stay alive.

     I walked inside the building and straight down the hallway. I was walking fast since really missed gumball. It has been 12 hours since I last saw him and it was killing me.

     "Hi nimeni" one of the doctors waved at me as she passed by. I smiled brightly and waved at her.

     I got to know many doctors who work in here since I come at least once in a day.....I nagg them all the time and they just looked at me like i am just a kid who wants to play with adults....but love it. They were all nice.

     I reached infront of the door and opened it to see gumball laying on the bed as usual. Everyday was like the last day. But everyday my heart won't stop from shattering in to pieces when i look at him.

     And there is one thing that changed in him......he was growing hair on his face.

     I sat down on the chair and put the book down before resting my elbows on the bed near gumballs hand while resting my chin on my hands.
   I signed deeply as I looked at his face. I have been reading the book for him. I felt like he is listening to me. I hope.

    "I will not stop nagging you untill you wake up and say 'hug time'" I said the last sentence with a Deep voice and laughed a little.

      "Hey....I really...really want you to wake up...I really want join the campfire but I want to go with you.....please. just wake up......p-please" my voice started to crack I can feel the urge to cry out loud. I wanted to cry out loudn

     Every time I see him sleeping on this bed, something inside me sleeps. Everytime I see him laying on this bed, I lose a little bit of hope.

    I couldn't help it but start to cry out loud like a little baby whose icecream was stolen. I was breaking little by little. I can feel it. I don't want to lose a person that is very important to me anymore. I don't want to lose him.

    The doctors kept telling me that he is showing progress everyday but I can't seem to see any change in him. He was getting thinner and thinner. But what was giving me hope was that his wound  healed and what was left was a little scar.

      ◇stanely pov◇

     It was all dark..everything. the walls the floor, the roof. I don't even know if they exist. I was feeling uncomfortable.

    I feel like I am suffocating. I feel like I am out of breath. I feel numb and not moving. But I felt ease all of a sudden and a light coming from an open door.

    It was so bright that I need to cover my eyes. After adjusting the light I slowly put down my hands and focused on a familiar figure that was coming out of the door. It was familiar....very familiar figure. The heart beat was familiar. Very familiar.

     "Hey gumball. What the hell?" It was was naggi. I couldn't help it but smile. "I have been waiting for you to come back man....come back" she said still standing near the door with her famous smile that made my heart go BOOM BOOM. I just love her so much.

     I walked closer and closer to her. It feels like I was flying but it doesn't really matter as long as I reached to her.

      "Come have to wake up ok? You have to~" her voice trailed of as she got out of the door and in to the light.

     I walked out to the light.


◇stanely pov◇

   I slowly opened my eyes and closed them before opening them again. It feels very still dreaming?

   What is this?

Where am I?

      What happened?

   What the hell is on my face?

     And most of all why am I hearing a childish cry?

   I scanned the room but my eyes landed in a beautiful girl sitting down and crying like a child....naggi. she was resting her elbows on the bed and her chin on her hands. She was crying out loud while closing her eyes shut. Okay She is cute.

      I couldn't help it but smile....she is here. She looked fine.....but she looks very sad.

     I slowly moved my hand and touched her elbow. I was feeling numb to move faster. I thought she didnt feel the touch since she didn't stop crying.

     "P-please wake uuuup gumball.....ok I gave up  I-i won't nagg y-you any more.....I I s-said that b-before and couldn't keep my promise....b-but now I just have to-to wake up." Her words broke my heart. Her words was not like her. Her words feels weird......her words sound like she was really hurt.

     "Won't y-you nagg m-me any m-mo-more?" I managed to say a smile on my face. My voice was husky as I can feel my throat dry as hell. She didn't stop crying as she shook her head no. I was surprised at her her cute action.

    "Nagg m-me" I said and grabbed her elbow.....and she suddenly froze. Her eyes were still closed but she stopped crying.

    "What?" She asked frowning her eyes still closed. I couldn't help it but chuckle at her cuteness and she opened her eyes.....slowly.


     Bye for now guys. Hope you enjoyed.😍😍

     Comment, vote and share. Love ya


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