chapter 59: Hoping for my hope

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       Hey guys, enjoy the ride😊😊


       "Gumball is a very funny are so childish." Yasmin said as we both laughed out loud. We were sitting on my messy bed laughing and talking about our life's.

    Yasmin was a warm and cool muslima. she became my friend instantly and we were now laughing out loud. Eventhough I am still thinking about gumball I was laughing because she didn't really give me time not to laugh.

     Suddenly the door busted open making us both jump slightly reviling a very cute boy panting while grabbing the door handle. He really looks like yasmin with his cool vibe.

       "INALILAH!!!... I will kill your litte butt, hamud" yasmin said standing up and rushing to the boy that is probably called Hamud.

     "Ok ok ok please I am sorry" he pleaded clasping his hands together and kneeling down with a big smile on his face.

      But yasmin bursted out laughing as she picked him up from the floor and ruffled his hair. "What do you want, bro" she said swinging her arm on his shoulder.

     "You are nimeni right?" He asked pointing at me. I stood up nodding with a big smile on my face.

     "Yes I do you know my name?" I asked walking infront of him as he looked at me.

      "Yo! girl Matt told me to call you immediately." He said pointing outside. The rain as now stopped but the weather was still cold. I just took a shower so i was very cold.
    "Danny?...the sodlier" I asked frowning. Why would he need. Me. Immediately. Is is about gumball? Oh my God.

   My heart started beating so fast as I started thinking about negative things. Like gumball inside a coffin or gumball turning in to a zombie and something like that.

    As soon us Hamid nodded his head. I sprinted out with out any second thought. What if something bad happened to gumball?  Oh my God. He is going to tell me that he died

     "HEY NIM WAIT....WHERE ARE YOU GOUNG?" Yasmin yelled. I stopped on my tracks and turned around to her.

     "TO SILIDER MATT" I yelled back before continuing.

    As soon as I walked in to the hallways I spotted Matt sitting beside a door with a glass bound him.

     "Wht is wrong? Huh? Where is gumball? Is he fine?" I asked jumping up and down in fear.

   He looked up at me and stood up before grabbing my shoulder stopping me from moving. "He is ok...your friend is ok now....I think your blood is working with some other vaccine....and he seems to respond fast" Matt said patting my shoulder.

    My hands were shaking as I kept glancing at the glass which showed a glimpse of gumball laying on a white bed.

     "I called you here now because he kept calling your name while sleeping. I think it might help him to stay beside him for a little while."

     I nodded furiously before pointing at the door. Jumping up and down again. I was exited and scared at the same time.

     Danny laughed slightly before turning around and opening the door for me. I quickly rushed inside with out a second thought.

    And what I saw litteraly made my leg shake in worry. All I can do was worry. All I can feel was worry.

    There gumball was laying on a white hospital bed unconscious. My hope laying unconscious. There were machines beeping around him. My hope was supported with machine.

     I slowly walked to the bed and sat on the chair with was beside the bed. I just looked at him as he breathed slowly with an oxygen mask on. His eyes were closed as his bands rested on his forehead. He looked handsome eventhough he was unconcious.

    I grabbed his warm hands and smiled for my self. "Yo! gumball. Aren't you going to wake up?....I m bored man. I need to nag someone.......and by the way, I found a new friend....ya I know. I know how is it possible to be friends with someone so fast right?  Well she seems nice and cool......but I don't like her like are always on top. I promise....but I will keep my promise if you keep your promise. You said you will not die remember.....eventhough you didn't say the word 'I promise' i will take it as a promise." I laughed lightly and signed before standing up and pecking his forehead.

       "Nimeni, we have to go now they are going to check him" Matt said gesturing me to get out. I looked down at gumball again and ruffled his hair smiling. He won't die...

      I have a hope on my hope.


       Bye for now guys, hope you enjoyed🥰🥰🥰

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