chapter 10: other people

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Hey guys. Enjoy

"ok you stay here. I will clear the area and call you." I said walking out of the door. We were going to go out after packing up our things.

I walked out of the room with out waiting for his answer, because well...he will never answer.

Some zombies from last night were walking lazily around. I walked downstairs and looked around for something to throw and distract them. I could shout but I an too lazy and tired to of that.

I searched around and saw a beer bottle so picked it up before throwing it at the corner of the reception area and Snap. The zombies stared to run.

I walked back to call gumball up but I was shocked...... he was on the ground with a zombie hovering over him and snapping its sharp teeth while struggling to eat his head off. And gumball was just struggling with out making any sound.

My heart was going to escape from my ribcage when I rushed to him and grabbed the zombies collar before pulling it up. But it kept struggling to attack him again. But I was fast grabbing its head and snapping it all the way to face me and I can here the bones and nerves cracking as the zombies body fell but the head was still in my hands.

Blood was dripping down from the head while I stared in to the blank whit eyes. I never thought that a zombie's body is so easy to snap.

I quickly drop the head down looking at the body which was beside the shocked gumball. He really looks shocked. But again terrified. And I think I can see tears at the corner of his eyes. God.

The floor was in a pool of blood. And then....I felt a familiar disgusting thing coming up to my mouth. Yes....vomit.
I rushed to the corner and let everything out while holding my hair back to my ear. It was really sour and painful. I can feel that my stomach is empty but I saw just bending there waiting for nothing to come out.

Finally after I finish everything, I walked back to where gumball was to see him standing there looking at me with a blank expression.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt?" I asked tilting my head to see his face. He just nodded and walked away.

We walked out of the small hotel and to the parking lot.

"So where are you planning to go?" I asked Stanley as we get inside the parking lot. But he just stopped walking.

"What's wrong now. I just asked you a question" I said stopping and looking back at him to he him searching for something with his eyes.

"W-where is your car?", he asked looking at me in a wide eyes. I think I am starting to see some expressions in him. But WHAT DID HE SAY?

I immediately turned around but my car was not where I parked it and it was the only car that was parked in here.

Ow shit we are ducked up.

"Where is it. I dont get it. I parked it right here. It was right here. I swear." And I am freaking out right now.

It had many supplies and clothes that are important. It had my grandma's book gift which she gave me for my 18 birthday. I know it is very cheap but it is priceless for me.

"We have to find it. We have to. Let's go" I said trying to run out of the parking lot but I was held back by the hand. I turned around and looked at Stanley looking out of the parking lot. I turned around to see three well built men standing with big guns and there were wearing all black with a beer bottle in there hands.

"Ow hey there. Are you searching for something? " the middle one asked stepping closer to us.

"Ow. Yes yes we lo-"

"No. We didn't lose any thing. We were just about to go. Come on let's go." Stanley said dragging me out of the parking lot. What the hell is he doing?

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked stoping on my tracks making him stop too. He turned aroun in an annoyed expression and shook his head before nodding to the side road.

I turned around and for my surprised there was my car but there were one man and one women leaning on the car.

"Is that what you are searching for?" I turned to my back to see the same man coming out of the parking lot smirking. The hell is he smirking about?

"Um y-"

"No not at all. We were about to go." Stanley cutting me off again. What is actually wrong with this gumball head, I turned around and glared at him but he just glanced at me and started walking still holding my hand.

"STOP IT MAN." I yelled at him snatching my hand from him. He turned around and signed before walking away.

"Hey where-" I stopped when I heard a familiar growl coming from behind me followed my a....gun shot. I immediately turned around to see the three men shooting some zombies that were coming out of an alley while the other two get in to the car.

I turned back around and zombies were....chasing Stanley while he limped like before. He limped like a one leged hen.

It is not time to laugh.


Bye for now. Hope you enjoyed 😊

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