chapter 43: Do you want to die?

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       Hey guys, enjoy the ride🎢🎢


         "Can you tell me your first wish?", he asked in a normal expression..atleast it is not bored.

    "Ok comes the first wish" I said rubbing my palms together and smirking...." I want to see you laugh......what makes you laugh?" I asked still doing what I was doing.

     "Hahaha"  he fake laughed and almost rolled his eyes getting up but I was fast to grab his hand. "I will tickle you." I warned, my hand not leaving his.

    "No, tickling won't make me laugh...I am not a little kid" he said but I was not talking that.

    "It is worth a try" I then pulled him down on  the bed and hovered over him my knees on both side of his body, quickly and slowly at the same time not to hurt my wound. It was good that he froze.

     I then looked at him.. "Time to laugh" I smirked as he looked at me in a slightly wide eyes. I didn't waste any time as I started to tickle him..he but he didn't even flinch a little. It was awkward to tickle someone and not here any thing. Not even a blink of an eye.

    But when my hands reached over his ears I thought I heard a little giggle. So i looked up immediately to see a little smile on his face....."hehehe found it" and i started to tickle him again

     And that was it......he bursted out laughing like a little kid and attempting to grab my hands. But he was trying not to move.

     "N-NO.....S-STOP AAAAAA P-PL-PLEASE" he started shouting in the middle of laughter.  I couldn't help it but laugh with him like I was the one who is being tickled.

      I stopped when I saw a little tear at the corner of his eyes. I sat on the bed still laughing little.

     "You happy?" He asked turning to look at me wiping the small tears

    "Hell yeah I am should have seen your face you looked alike a cute little kid" I said wiggling my eyes brows  "And hell man.......your voice was like a music." I said looking to the roof.

      "Well thank u for referring my laughter as a music....but we have to get moving now." I then stood up and fixed his shirt before leaving the room.

      "AWWWW YOU ARE FLATTERED." I cooed. Cute.


        Hell yeah he was

#time skip#

        It has been like 45 minutes and I was very bored. It was very quite and all that was heard was me singing out loud. See I was bored.

    I couldn't take it anymore so I slowly got up putting my hand on my wound.. This shit was serious and hurts like hell.

     But I slowly managed to get out of the room with the empty bowl on my hand.

    But when I got out the car was......clean like never before. The table was clean. The couch was clean....the everything was clean.

   I smiled for my self and walked to the front seat after putting the bowl down       "I told you to stay on the bed." gumball said in an angry voice.."Do you want to die?" He asked again glancing back at me.

    "No man....why would I wanna die?...I was just bored" I shrugged and sat down but not before ruffling his hair a little.

    He signed and looked at me. "Did you eat?" I asked making my self comfortable. He just hummed and nodded a little.

     "Ok, I have an Idea." I suggested clapping my hands together.

     "Is that one of your wishes?" He asked

    "Well, no but this will be fun....20 questions." I said in an exited voice smiling widely.


"Yeah" I cut him off  "okay i will start. Umm.....what is your favorite color? " i made it simple.


"It is obvious, It is your turn now ask me any question" I said facing all my body towards him. But he didn't say anything as he just kept driving. He is really annoying sometimes.

     "Umm...gumball can you please ask me a question?" I asked again batting my eyelashes.

     "Ok what is your favorite food?" he asked in a bored tone and the smile found it's way to my lips.

     "Now we are favorite food is every I eat every kind of food." I finished with a smile.
   "So what do you think about me?" I asked  the second question hoping that he would say a positive word.

      "Shhhhit!" Was his answer that confused me.. he was widening his eyes looking to the front.

     "You think I am shit?" I asked tilting my head in confusion.

    "Shit, shit shit" he panicked still looking to the front so I looked out meet with the shock of my life


    Bye for now guys, hope you enjoyed

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