chapter 23:amaizing veiw.

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    Hey guys, enjoy


      He looked up at me with a teary eyes and wet cheeks. His eyes and nose were red. He widened his eyes blinked them several times.

    But what he did next was just took my heart and my soul away. He suddenly cupped my cheek and looked straight at my eyes. I was startled to say the list. Startled as hell.

     "Naggi" he whispered looking all over my face as tears started to roll down his cheeks. Something really is wrong with him. And that brakes my heart. It really does. I have never seen him be like this before.

    I was frozen looking at him as he just scanned my face still cupping my cheek. "I thought-" he was cut off by the familiar groaning voice that came from behind the car that he was leaning on. We have to go.

      "C-come on get up..we have to go." I said helping him get up to his feet. We run to the car and I opened the passengers sit for him as he entered. I get to the other side and as I was about to hop in some dog started running to me. It was not an ordinary dog. This dog was a zombie dog. It didn't have any hair left on his body. Instead his body was covered in blood and scars His mouth was very wide as it opened them wide reviling its sharp teeth which was also covered with blood.

    "Get in. What are you doing?" Gumball said. I looked up at him as I can see a worried expression on his face. I looked back at the dog and it was right infront of me. I jumped yelping a little bit when suddenly found him infront of me. It didnt try to bite just sniffed me like an ordinary dog.

    "Are you going to pet the dog or are we going to go." Gumball said so  left the dog and jumped in the car clothing. But wait. Did gumball just say that sarcastically?

      "DRIVE GODDAMNIT" he almost yelled making me drive as soon as the words come out of his mouth.

     I drove for like 30 seconds and we were no on a road with no building g or anything at both sides of the road. All you can see was grasses. Dry but grasses. The view was very good and peacefully calm. I really want to get out for a second and enjoy the view. So I did what is done first. I stopped the car.

      "What are you doing?" Gumball asked looking at me. I looked at him with a grinn on my face as he rised his eyebrows.

     "Oh you can do that?" I said pointing at his face.

    "What?" He asked.

    "You can raise your eyebrows. That will count as an expression."

     "I said why are you stopping?" He asked again in a serious tone.

    "I am trying to enjoy the little things." I said  He looked infront of him and back at me.

     "Are you going to Run on the field like a little kid?" He asked. He is a totally different person. Why is he talking unusually, It is usual to say that for other people but not for him. It feels weirdly good.

      "Come on if you want." I said jumping out of the car. The weather was very nice. The wind was blowing peacefully as the sun was shining. It was not burning. Not hot. It was just calm. I inhaled the cool air smiling widely and closing my eyes. This is really good.

     "You really have to come out. The weather is nice." I said looking back at him. He was just looking at the other side of the window.

    I shrugged. I will not force him on things that he didn't want. I am not that kind of person. He will come out when he wants to come out. And I bet he will.

    I searched for the ladder which leaned to the roof of the car and I climbed there carefully not to hurt my hand.

     And Wow. The view from here was very very much....I was speechless. All I can see was just a plain area with grasses. There were no zombies around. No cars around. No people around just nothing to look at. That is peaceful. He really have to see this.


Bye for now guys. Thank u for reading

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