chapter 51: Heart break

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       Hey guys, enjoy the ride🎢🎢😊😊


      It have been a week since we stayed in miss and mr Darius house, but it was time for us to go.

      "Why wont you guys come with us? Huh?" I asked for like 1003 time this morning.

     "I said it is ok, dear, we will be fine. staying here. It is not that is like we are living in the period of hunting and gathering"  the woman said putting her hands on my shoulders with a smile on her face.

     Here is what is happening....mrs. and mr6 Darius said that they wouldn't come. They wanted to stay here. Living in the world full of danger and adventure at the same time. It is not far. I dont like it.....but theyreally do.

     We were standing I'm front of the garage door since they also insisted they would give us their car.....we really owe them much.

     "Now go before you make me cry" mr. Darius said pushing both of us to the car. I was very upset and mad...why are they doing this ?

    Staying with them was like staying with the most caring and silly people in this world...they really cared for us like we were their own kids. They really cared for us like they knew us since we were born......they really cared for as like we were real families.

      I couldn't help it but let my tear slide down my cheeks. I looked up at mrs. Darius as she glanced at me but looked away. "Don't cry are making me cry too." She mumbled in a shaking voice, but enough for me to hear. That wasn't helping in the crying...I cried more.

      "Come over here" and I was engulfed by mr. Darius....It feels like a hug that u have never felt feels like father. I hugged back tight still crying.

      He pulled away after 10 seconds and looked over to gumball who was looking down...he looked sad..really really sad. But he was trying to hide it......he always tries to hide his expressions and feelings.

     "From living with you for weeks I learned that you are not that kind of person who seems to like hugging but you are going to do it right now" and by that, he was engulfed with a hug by mr. Darius.  Gumball looked a little startled but he slowly hugged back and patted his back.

      "That's my boy" mr. Darius said pulling away from the hug. Gumball  looked different now..his eyes were red as hell and was trying not toq blink....because if he blinked a single tear would come out of his left eye.

      "I really want to get that too, come on you guys" miss Darius sad before pulling us both in to a hug. Soon enough mr. Darius was added hugging us all with his big arms......a group hug....a family hug that I never really had before.....


     After saying our byes for the 100⁰000 time and moving the lazy ass cars away from our way, we were off to the cold lonely road again. The car was quite and  awkward as I just stared out side the window. I feel like I am living out of my home to another larger home.

     "I-it is not like you you know" gumball said all of a sudden so I looked at him tilting my head in confusion. He glanced at me and back at the road again beofre clearing his throat.

    "It is not like you to be quite and look sad" he glanced at me again...but I couldn't help it but smile at his statement.

    "Ok ok I will nagg you" I said and poked his was fun having this dude with me...I when I am with him I feel safe, i feel like i am not alone in this world anymore, I feel like living for longer........I feel like hope

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