Final chapter 63

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    Hey guys🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ enjoy the ride 😊😊😊


      We were sitting around a big fire outside....everyone was holding marshmallow on a stick and where holding it in the fire.

     We were sitting on the ground with yasmin on my left and gumball on my right. There were many other people gathering around. Talking and laughing their ass off. They looked happy. They were happy.

     Gumball slowly leaned his head on my shoulder and I didn't get used to his sudden actions....I was still new to the new actions. He is full of surprises.

      "Here" yasmin handed me a can of soda and leaned on my other shoulder and Hamud leaned on her shoulder. We looked like sea lions. I don't now it just came to my mind.

      Suddenly one of the men stood up clapping....."Toast time" he said and scanned the crowd. "And I can see new comers here." He said pointing at us. Gumball and yasmin lifted their heads and looked at him.

    "Introduce yourselves please" he suggested. I smiled and nodded my head before standing up.

     "Hi survivors......I am nimeni. Lived for 19 to nagg people." I said before sitting back down. there were some laughs and claps here an there. Getting to know new people was one of the things I love.

     "Ok thank u nimeni..glad to meet you, survivor." The man said and looked at gumball who was looking at me. "And you?" The man said pointing at gumball.

    Gumball looked up at him and signed before standing up. I clapped slightly while making a cheering sound.

    "Hellow guys, I am stanely watterson.......I survived because of her" he looked down at me. I widened my eyes in shock but looked around smiling awkwardly shaking my head.

     "No I-"

"WHOOO GIVE THEM A BIG HUGE HAND" Yasmin started to clap with a smile on her face and winked at me. I laughed and bumped in to her shoulder shaking my head.

    Everybody started clapping including gumball who was now sitting on the ground. I felt awkward so I did what I had to do....I clapped.

     "WHOOO  THANK U SO MUUUUCH...I LIKE THIS...THIS FEELS LIKE FAMILY" I started yelling as people started to laugh still clapping.

     Gumball suddenly gave me a side hug so I turned around to him as he pecked my nose. And my heart goes.....yeah you guessed. BOOM SHAKA LAKA.

     "Thank u for being my reason to stay alive.....thank u for saving my life" he said smiling. "Thank u for saving me from my own prison."

      "You are my hope man....stay alive or I will lose my hope." I said bumping this shoulder with me.

     This was it. This was the life that I wished to live since the zombie apocalypse started. This was the life that I carved for. This was the life that I survived for. This was it.

      Being bitten by an insect was just a coincidence, being immune was a coincidence, meeting gumball was a coincidence, nagging him was.....purposely🙄🙄. Saving him was purposely.

     Him being bitten was a coincidence,.....just everything except two things was coincidence......and all this coincidences lead us for surviving. For seeing other survivors. For our long hopped hope.

      I have been very lonely but trying to make my self happy but enjoying the little things....but when I meet my friend gumabll everything started to change. I don't feel lonely any more....I didnt try to be happy since I was happy. I started enjoying the tiny things....

     Just thanks to the rude ass, caring, emotionless, unexpected, smily, lovely, sweet, unfortunate, calmer, hope, and bestfriend gumball watterson. Okay okay...more than bestfriend.🙄🙄


    Not gonna say anything since I might start crying.

   Planning for book two. Comment me if you want book two.

  Bye love ya all


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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