chapter 25: I can't

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   Hey guys, enjoy the ride😊😊


       I was driving for like an hour and I was so tired. The road was a very long but calm road but it was getting dark.

    I looked over to gumball and saw him sleeping while leaning his head on the window. He is still rude. He must ask me if he can drive,but no he is sleeping his butt off.

      I was very exhausted, tired and hungry to say the list and my palm was hurting because of a sweat. "Oh my God I am so tired." I mumbled to my self and pulled the car over at the side of the road.

       I looked to gumball again and he was still sleeping and it was making me mad. So I did what I have to do.

    I slowly leaned close to him and closer to his ear. "waaaaake uuuuup" I whispered in his ear. He just groaned and stirred in his sleep. "GUMBALL WAKE UP" I yelled.

     "AAAA what is it? what is wrong?" He asked looking around before looking at me. His eyes were wide and and red as he blinked them several times. I can't help it but laugh out loud. I mean it was so funny to see him in this kind of expression.

      He cleared his throat and rubbed his face sighning. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He said pushing me back slightly as I kept laughing.

     "Stop it" he said in a serious  tone looking away while rubbing his eyes.

     "Ok ok. But isn't that a little bit rude to just let me drive all the way......come on. It is your turn to drive I am tired." I said patting his shoulder. He shrugged my hand of and looked at me.

     "I can't." He said looking back at me again. What? He cant drive?

    "You can't drive?" How can't he drive?

"No. I can drive but I can't when if-" he stopped and take a deep breath. "Ok I will drive......" he said standing up and moving to the back. I stood up and sat on the passenger's sit as he sat on the driver's sit.

     He sighned out loud and grabbed the stirring wheel tightly before closing his eyes. He doesn't look good.

     "Hey are you ok? is ok if you don't want to drive i-"

     "No" he cut be off before starting the engine and driving. I looked at him for a minute before looking back to the road.


     After about 10 minutes of driving the silence was killing me but it was broken by the sound of my belly groaning. I put my hand on my belly before looking at gumball. He must be hungry too.

     "I am going to search for something to eat." I said before standing up.

    I walked at the back of the RV which looked expectedly....disgusting. there where bottles of beer everywhere on the floor and the chairs. The cabbinates were open and they didn't have anything left on them. The table was full of cigarettes and left over foods.

      "This is more disgusting that anything I have ever seen......what kind of men are they?" I said to my self before walking to a closed door I opened the door and tomy surprise and shock there was........ someone sleeping on the bed.
     I can't see who it is because their face was covered with the white cover. I slowly closed the door and rushed to kimball tripping over everything.

      "Hey hey hey gumball there is someone in the bed...shall I call it bed room...yes there is someone on the bed." I said patting his shoulder frequently.

   He looked glanced at me and back at the road. "What do you mean?" he said as I was telling him a joke.

     "Hey. I. Am. Not. Kidding. There is really someone on the bed." I said and he started pulling over. I grabbed his arm and pulled him up.

     "Hurry hurry." I said pulling him.

"Ok ok wait. What the hell." He said passing through the mess.

    "They are in here.", I said pointing the the door and looking at him. He looked at me and back at the door before opening it slowly.

      "See..." I said as he widened his eyes slightly. "What sould we do?" I whispered. He moved closer to the bed and started lifting the covers up. I was grabbing his arm tight looking the the person intensively.

    Who could it be?


    Hehehehe   this is what we call it cliff hanger *devilish laugh*

    Ok ok bye for now guys, hope you enjoyed 


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