chapter 28: Jacob.

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   Hey guys enjoy the ride😊😊


      "What are you doing here?" Jacob asked glancing at me before looking back at gumball. "And who is she?"

     "None of this is your business. We saved your life eventhough it is  unintentional so all you have to do now is leave." Gumball said pointing to the door.

    What is he doing? He is losing it.  I stood up pinching my nose slightly looking at him widening my eyes.

     "What are you saying gumball. There are zombies out there." I said and the words came out funny due too my nose.

    "You can leave your nose. It is not bleeding.........and no" gumball said shaking his head looking away.

     "Oh..ok" I put down my hand and continued. "I will not say anything because I don't know your relationship....but all I want to ask sincerely it for this man to stay unt-"

      "Exactly. You don't know anything. And all you have to do is shut up." Gumball almost yelled glaring at me. And that is all it took me to shut up looking down. He is right.

     "Please Stanley. I don't have anywhere to go....let me stay here at least for to night. You know that-"

    "No Jacob. You know what you did to me and Anna...that was unforgivable." Gumball said in a shaking voice. "Now please go before you regret it.", he said and walked back to the front seat. Anna?

    I looked at the man and he looked like he was at the edge of crying too. He was looking at gumball with a broken heart. And I looked like a statue tree which stands in the middle of a drama.

     The man sighned and looked at me before smiling weakly. "Thank u for standing up for me." He said patting my shoulder. I nodded slightly as he walked to the door.

    Despite the small light from the moon I can tell that he is crying. He stopped at the door and looked at gumball who was sitting at the drivers sit with his head down on the wheels.

   The man looked down and opened the door before stepping out. He closed the door after waving bye at me.

    This is wrong. I am feeling uneasy. I am feeling that gumball will regret it letter and it would really be late by then.

    I rushed to the front seat and grabbed gumballs shoulder before pulling him up. He looked at me and the sight broke my heart. He was crying. He quickly looked away wiping his eyes with his sleeve.

      "I will not talk." I said shaking my head. " I will not nag you again. If you let him stay." I said hoping he would say yes.

    He sighned and loked at me. "Look naggi-"

       "I don't want you to live your life regrating a five minute mistake...... I will not nag you and let him stay." I said patting my eyelashes like a baby.

     He sighned and looked to the front.

        "Don't make me regret letting him in that letting him die." He said and that was enough for me to smile and hug him. What? I dont care.

    He froze for a second before tapping my shoulder. "O-ok....." was all he said. I smiled at his awkwardness before letting him go.

      "Thank you. You won't regret any of it." I said before rushing to the door. I opened the door and turn my flash light on my phone on.

      I was about to scream his name since we were in the middle of no where but.....

     "Don't scream. I am over here." I heard Jacob's voice making me jump in surprise and shock.

     "AAAAAAAA y-you scared the shit out of me." I said putting my hand on my chest before sighning.

    He stood up and dusted his pants before looking up at me. "I am sorry." He said before starting too walk away.

     "Hey hey can stay." I said grabbing his shoulder. He immediately turned around with a big grin his face.

     "Really? Really?" He said already walking in. He might look like a man but he is acting like a total baby.

     He got in and hugged him self shaking. "Whooa it is so called." He almost yelled.

    "Shhhh. I have to sacrificed something important to let you stay. So please don't make me regret it. Ok?" I said clasping my hands. He tilted his head and sat down.

     "What do you mean you sacrificed somthing important?" He asked. I sighned and closed the door before standing infront of him.

     "I can't talk to gumball anymore" I said pouting. I can't imagine my self not nagging him.

    "Umm. Gumball?" He asked rising his eyebrows. Oh right...

     I sat beside him and grabbed my water before drinking it.

     "I call him gumball. Like gumball watterson. His name is Stanley watterson....ya know." I said smiling at my self. He tilted his head shaking it.

    "Huh?" He asked looking buffled. I guess he don't know the one and only gumball.

    "Gumball. Gumball watterson. He is a blue cat. He have a fish brother called Darwin-"

    "Ok ok stop it. I don't know what you are talking about young lady. I accept it." He said putting his hands up. My smile dropped and I nodded.


     Bye for now, hope you enjoyed.

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