chapter 47: That was soo deep

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     Hey guys, enjoy the ride🎢🎢


     "It is just have to try and forget that this is all know I was so lonely when the apocalypse first started and I was feeling very sad about that......I was very sad about everything...I would even get mad at cars which couldn't even move......but then you come changed something in my mind and heart...It gave me hope that even if I die I would have someone beside me....even if I get mad at the cars there would be someone who would do the same with me......even if you don't yell at the cars at least you got mad. right?" I chuckled shaking my head.

     "All I am trying to say is that I have hope because you are with me....I have hope because there is someone I care about beside me." I finished when I feel the sour feeling on my throat as I felt tears forming in my eyes.

     But I widened my eyes when he suddenly whistled. "Wooo that was so deep" he said shaking his head that left me eyes and mouth wide shocked.

     Tell me that my ears and eyes are not playing shits on me.

   "H-huh?" I was speechless putting my hands on my head in shock. "Did I just here your inner thought or you just complemented my speech out loud?....not just complemented you you- I don't even know" I said not believing.

    "Don't is just a whistle" he said crossed his arms still looking at me.

    "Yeah you are right I am probably over reacting about this......I have seen more shocking things than this from you." I shrugged putting my hands down but still looking at him in surprise. He looked to the front but I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Damn

     After a while he cleared his throat glancing at me and back to the front awkwardly. "D-did you clean your wound?" He asked looking at me hesitantly. I shook my head looking down at my wound which. It was starting to cool down.
    "You should" he ordered and stood up before grabbing the bag from the floor. He took out a first aid kit and put it in my lap. "Here clean will feel better" he said and stood up going up stairs.

      "Thank u" I semi-yelled and pulled up my sweater and slowly unwraping the bandage....which was painful as hell.

    "Ow shit..." I winced in pain as I slowly revealed the bloody wound that caused more pain when I looked at it.

     I then applied some alchohol on the cotton and started to clean around the wound with a struggle....but I almost screamed out loud when the cotton accidentally couched my wound making me close my eyes...I couldn't do it so I to call for some help.

     "Gumbaaaal." I yelled putting the cotton down In frustration and looking up the stairs......gumball rushed down the stairs and looked at me in a slightly wide eyes.

    "What's wrong?" He asked and I almost cried due to the pain I was feeling.

    "I can't do it by my self h-hurts " I said pouting and pointing to my open wound.

   He widened his eyes slightly and sat infron of me looking at my wound.. "ok ok don't worry. I will take care of it." He said and then grabbed the cotton before looking up at me again....."hold in to somthing....this is gonna hurt a little " he said and slowly put the cotton on my skin making me flinch and grab his one tear slide down my cheeks. It was painfull.


    After cleaning my wound and bandaging it with a struggle I was relieved sighning and leaning back slowly.

     "Do you feel better?" He asked I just nodded giving him thumbs up as I felt my self getting tired. "Thanks" I mumbled leaning back on the couch.

    "Why are you crying?" He asked tilting his head to look at me. I looked back at him and wiped my almost dry tear from my cheek.

   " It was painfull" I shrugged. "But I feel beter now thanks to you" I smiled at him.

      He hummed but didn't get up so I took the chance and leaned my head in his shoulder as I can feel him tense up.

  "W-what are you d-doing?" He asked in a cracking voice.......I needed this and I was comfortable so I just shook my head.

    "Please." I said as he sighned. It was silent for like five minutes until he broke it.

"Do you hate me?" He asked a question that made me mad. Why would I hate him?

    "What?" I asked and lifted my head and looked at him. He was looking to the front.

    "Why would you think like that? Why would I hate you huh?" I almost yelled anger and sadness on my face......he looked at me in a slightly wide eyes like he didnt expect me to say this words.

     "All I am saying is.....I shouldn't hate you....I can't hate you. I won't hate you. You are my friend that I longed for a long time......don't ever say that again please." I whispered the last words in a shaking voice.

     he looked speechless as he just nodded slowly and He suddenly stood up with a blank face. Not a bored face...just a blank face.  maybe a little bit of smile? Or I was just imagining. Maybe not. But I was definitely smiling.

    I confusedly stood up and looked at him but I was still smiling. "Hug time" and I was engulfed with a hug for the third time since I mate him.

   I gladly hugged back tighter and we stayed like that for 20 seconds until he pulled back with a little bit of tear at the corner  of his eyes And he looked cute eventhough he is crying....teasing time. Hehehehe

   "Awww.....don't will look cuter and I would probably eat you alive if you act this way.." I said wiping his eyes as he looked away clearing his throat and wiping his tears.

    He then sat back on the couch and patted the space beside I sat down and quickly leaned my head in his shoulder again.

     "Thank u." I said closing my eyes.

"For what?" He said leaning his head back on the couch and signing.

    "For hugging me.....for surviving untill now and will probably keep surviving,.......for being my friend eventhough you don't think of me like that." I said and gave him thumbs up.

    "Who said that I don't think f you as a friend?" He asked and a wider smile apeard on my face as I looked up at him.

   "Are you saying that you think of me as a friend?" I asked. He looked at me...but his face looked different....his expression looked different. He looked happy even if it is only for a second...he looked hopefully even if it was slightly. But that will make me happy for the rest of my life....seeing hin like this makes me happy fro the rest of my life.

    "I didn't say that either" he said leaning his head again....I put my head on his shoulder smirking widely

    "You didn't say that you don't either."


    Bye for jow guys, hope you enjoyed

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Sorry for the mistake I made. I am very sorry. I dont know how I jumped two chapters. I unpublished them so please forgive me🙏🙏🙏🙏

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