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   Hye guys, enjoy the ride🎢🎢 and by the way. This chapter is dedicated to my reader. ENN_Hoppi22a us


      There were many many zombies gathered around something which was on the ground. They were fat and huge and unbelievably many. They looked like a gathered ants.....imagine many ants gathered together. They look like a moving hair.

      I widened my eyes and looked at gumball who was copying my action "shall we go back?" I asked unsure of what to say....the road was In the middle of nowhere.....there where no buildings or other cars....the road was in the middle of a forest.

      "Buckle up" gumball said all of a sudden so I did wat he said....I know what he was going to do and I just agree...I mean we don't have any choice we just have to run them over. It is fight or fight situation. And he chose to fight

      He looked at me and nodded as I nodded back. "I hold on to something ok? It's gonna be a bumpy ride" he said before putting on his seat belt.

     He signed and grabbed the steering tightly before stepping on the heart was beating so fast as I made my hold tighter on the belt and one hand on my wound.

       The zombies started snatching their head up when they hear the car moving  and started running towards us....and that's when we hit the first zombie.

   We run it over and continued to run them over like they were some kind of bowling balls gosh I really wanted to do this....I jumped when we hit one zombie and it flew up hitting the front glass hard that it cracked.

      "Shit" we said in sync...there where some zombies left so I can see the road now. "Come on...we are almost there" I mumbled mostly to my self.

      But to our horror, another zombie hits the glass again making it crack wider and deeper.....and the other one...and the other one. I was panicking as hell.

    "Stop stop the glass is going to brake" I almost yelled shaking my head. But when we hit the last zombie the glass broke making a loud smashing sound. But thank God the zombie flew to the back.

     "GET DOWN" gumball yelled getting down as well so I did as I was told. but he was still driving.

     After 10 minutes he stopped driving so I slowly get up my hand on my head while my other hand was on my wound.

     "Are you ok?" Gumball asked looking at me frowning. But what shocked me the most was.....there was a  small glass in his arm....I thought he didn't know because. Well he looked like he know nothing.

       "Don't move...." I said and got up slowly before walking to him. He froze and just stared up at me.

     "What is it?" He asked a little confused.

     "Don't looked at your arm...just give it to me." I said grabbing his arm slowly. And as he was about to turn around and look down at his arm, I grabbed his cheek and turned him to me. He just widend his eyes looking up at me.

    He didn't say anything as he kept looking at me like I was someone kind of psyco asking for his hand.

     "Yeaaaa that's right...just look at me ok ju-" I pulled the glass out with a swift. And all he said was a little 'ow' snatching his arm from me. It was a little wound. I guess.

     "Don't will hurt for a little while until then I am going to drive." I said patting his shoulder....and that's when he feels it.

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