chapter 14 : Have you ever heard of zombies?

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        Hey, guys enjoy


       I woke up when I can no longer sleep. I really got a very good sleep since I was tired yesterday. Very tired.

      I groaned and looked at my hand which felt so much better but it still hurts.

      "Come on nim. Today is a new day" I said to my self and I was about to clap but stopped when I remembered my hand.

       I walked out of the room empty handed since I don't have anything with me. Ugh this feels weird. I walked closer to the room where stanly was staying and knocked  little before opening it. He might be up. Or he might be still sleeping.......

    I walked to the bedroom and to my surprise....... there was no one. No one at all. God I am so bump to think that he will stay with me. Asshole.

   I turned around to my heels looking down and walked out of the room and out of the building.

     "His rude ass will never wait for you don't expect anything." I mumbled to my self. Shaking my head while scanning the area. There were zombies rooming around as usual and the cold breath was the worst. It was very very very much cold that I can't even feel my toes and fingures.

    I hugged my self and started walking to God knows where. But I stopped immediately when I saw a a place that looked like a grocery store but the glasses were all broken that it looked like a broken glass store. Really.

     I smiled excitedly and walked to the store almost jumping in excitement. At least I got food to eat.

      I pecked inside in to the none existing door and the store was a total chaos. The foods were scattered everywhere as the shelves were broken like people were fighting to take as many as they want when this apocalypse happened. Some zombies were around stretching there hands in to space. And some where staring at the space like moron.

      "Oh my god. Ughhh" I said when a decaying smell of fruit invaded my nose. The place smelled like a decaying shit.

    I inside and started searching for any edible thing that can help my my stomach calm down before digesting my other organs.

     "Ok let me see what we can find here." I said grabbing a plastic bag and searching for food.


     After a while a found some canned food and healthy fruits which can help me calm down, I looked around and saw a chair on the floor. I walked over to it and grabbed it before putting it on the ground properly. I sat down and started eating my fruits taking out from the plastic bag and I swear that I looked like a vegetarian zombie that I was stuffing my mouth with as much as possible.

       "Well look what I have got here." I almost jumped when I heard a voice husky but calm voice from behind me. I turned around and saw a man on his late 30 in a white shirt with sleeves tied up and with black suit pants. There was some blood stain on his cloth and face that made him look like a real zombie.

      I stood up immediately some food still in my mouth and looked at him in wide eyes.

      "Have you ever heard of zombies kiddo?" He said as I saw another man which looked a little younger than him come out from behind the shelves smirking. There were no zombies around anymore

     "Umm. Yes" I said after swalowing the fruit. Who are they?
      "So what are you doing here all alone?" He asked in a serious tone. He is scary. But do I have to tell him that I am immune? Just tell him that I am resting because I did t see any zombies around here.

     "Oh thaaaaat. Oh I was just resting here after killing zombies. Zombies are very hard to kill ya know.", I started rambling looking at both of them.

     "Ooookay. But you look lost. I am guessing that you are heading to the safe zone right?" He said nodding looking back to his friend.

      "Um yes, are you?" I asked hoping that they would say yes. But I don't want to leave with out checking that rude ass if he is ok or not. I don't know why but I I have a weird feeling that he will be in trouble now or letter. Yeah no shit nim.

      I will search for him one more time or i will die of anxiety.


    Bye for now, hope you enjoyed😊😊😊😊   

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