Chapter 2: Confession

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Narrator's POV

It's Thursday morning, both Lauren and Natasha are on a mission, they walk into class and as soon as they see each other they... immediately drop their heads and ignore one another. Natasha is able to talk to Lauren a little, however its not easy talking to someone who cant talk back to you.

"Good morning everyone" professor Kins says "please open your copy of rhythm of psychology textbook to page 320..." 86 minutes later "...your assignments is on the board outside, once again I made a random pair list there as well. That is who you will be working with on your project for the next week and there is no exceptions! If you ask to switch, your grade immediately drops a letter."

Everyone stands and begins to walk out to see who they are paired with, Natasha walks to the board and starts to read the list of names
"Ok so here are the pairs if you hear your name being called please raise your hand, when your partner is called go find them and leave alright here we go:
Lacey Key-Aidan Golden
Declan Massey-Jude Grant
Malcom Lucero-Ace Simmons
Joseph Hanson-Wendy Mann
Ulises Henderson-Rexford Wang
Alyson Hoffman-Francisco Martinez
Kayden Hawkins-Ali Cunningham
Alden Deleon-Jamarion Richmond
Riley Fox-Case Nash
Payton Chaney-Hallie Farley
Natasha Romanoff" Natasha raises her hand and looks back down at the piece of paper in her hand first she reads the name to her self then she takes a deep breath and says "-Lauren Cimorelli, can you please join me up here while i finish?" Lauren nods her head and walks forward
"Terrance Rasmussen-Dailey Lam
Vance Lame-Abraham McFarland
Thomas Lambert-Isaac Jackson
And finally, Jacquelyn Marrow-Zoe Villegas"

Natasha's POV

I finished reading the list, turning to pin the paper back up on the wall looking at the names again, stopping at mine
Natasha Romanoff-Lauren Cimorelli

"W-well i guess we s-should go talk about uh-our p-project now?" I stutter a little getting lost looking at her eyes.

"S-sure" she says smiling, *oh my god, someone kill me already this woman is drop dead gorgeous.*

"Do you want my number so we can start this?" She says with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Oh-uh s-sorry" i stutter more "h-here y-you g-go" i say giving her my phone

"Are you ok?" She asks concerned her eyes fixated on me, i got lost in them for another moment, she begins to wave her hand in front of my face, "nat?"

"Huh? Oh number yea h-here you g-o" my hand shakes as i hand her my phone.

"Uhm, are you gonna unlock it? Or tell me the password?" She smiles flustered as much i was

"Oh yea, here." I unlock it and give it back

Lauren 🧡💕😉😏

I looked at how she saved her name in my phone and immediately begin to blush.
"Fuck" i looked up from my phone and she was blushing as well.

"I said that out loud didn't i?" Beyond frustrated with myself now, but she giggled and it put me at peace.

"It's ok, sometimes I don't realize I'm talking when I'm thinking to myself" she says and puts my hand in hers before trying to pull it away.

"No!" She looks embarrassed and confused "i l-like this" *ok 20 seconds ready go!*

"Lauren I have the biggest crush on you and find your extremely attractive I've been trying to find away to ask you to go out with me since i met you and if your not into girls that's ok I understand" *ok 10 seconds left* "and I've been wanting to do this since i first saw you, if this isn't ok say something"

i start to lean in grabbing her waist and pulling her into me, i looked at her lips then at her eyes looking for any indication this wasn't wanted but got nothing, instead i was met with her closing the gap slowly. I didn't want to rush her when she was close enough that I could feel her breath, someone bumped into us and ended up closing the micro gap. Her lips were so soft and she tasted like heaven, I couldn't get over her intoxicating sweet cinnamon scent. I pulled away not happy with myself but knowing we needed to, Lauren said nothing but she was smiling big and looking down blushing as we left the building I had her hand in mine. We started walking to her truck which was closer to my car then I had expected.

I kissed her one more time, making it a short one but not holding back any sort of passion on my end. She groaned clearly unhappy with my choices of cutting our kiss short. as i started to walk to my car, I realized we hadn't pick a spot. i went back and knocked on her window "uhm where are we going to study?" I said nervously

"My place?" She giggled and placed her hand on my cheek rubbing her thumb along my jaw

"Do you live at home?" I was not in the mood to meet the parents

"With my sisters."

"Oh! Ok. How many is there 2? 3?"

"Haha, no."

"So what 4?"

She didn't respond and just smiled

"5?" Still nothing "6?" After another moment of silence "oh my god 7?"

She striated laughing "no 5 sisters AND..."

"And how many brothers 8?" I laughed at my ridiculous remark.

"Close. 5."

"5 brothers and 5 sisters? Damn" i smirked "i come from a big family too just not that big" (A/N I realized i did this after I already said she knew about her big family but oh well)

"Oh? How many siblings do you have?" She sounded genuinely curious

"4 brothers and a sister" i smiled resting my head on her door "so i'll fallow you?" I asked after a minute of getting lost in her eyes

"S-sure" she seemed startled like she was lost in thought

I know this is really short but when I originally wrote it it didn't end up making sense so I cut a huge part out and restructured the next few chapters, I'll post tomorrow or the next day as an apology. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this one, vote and comment your favorite part and any suggestions you might have.

~Thanks again for reading- R.J.~

Word count:1025

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