Chapter 9: meeting cimorelli the sisters

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Italics is still nat signing

Laurens POV-December (1 week till Christmas)

Nats been home for a few weeks now, i go see her every few days. I want her to rest, but when she goes to see her new vocal doctor i go with. We face time every night, ive lost so much sleep over this girl and its 100% worth it. She's coming to meet the rest of my sisters tonight I'm so overly nervous about this.

"are you ready for this? If your not i can reschedule, they will understand."

She laid her hands on my shoulders lightly and kissed me cheek, she does that when i get like this.

stop, breathe its ok I'm ready to meet your sisters they're important to you, but if you don't calm down I'm going to start panicking too

I took a deep breath feeling the air hit every inch of my lungs and slowly breathed out feeling much calmer.


She nodded and slipped her hand into mine intertwining our fingers. I stopped in front of the door and went to turn to talk to her, but before I could say anything she put up her hand as to say stop and opened the door. I hate that she can read my thoughts sometimes. We were imminently met with all of them screaming at each other slowly making our way to the living room they didn't even notice us for a solid 3 minutes.

Dani screening "LISA! Give it back!"

"I don't know what your talking about"

"lisa.." she whines

Amy chiming in about something she saw on instagram "awe kath look at this puppy!"

"omg! Christina look at this sweet thing!"

"awe its so sweet it looks like tag" she cooes

"uhm.." I say loudly

"Lauren! And na..Tasha.?" Lisa asked

I nod

"hi Natasha I'm dani its so nice to meet you how long have you known Lauren?"

about 3 years we bumped into each other a few times

As she's talking i repeat out loud for everyone to hear what she's saying

Dani attempting to whisper asks "why isn't she talking"

I'm mute... i cant talk dani..

"dani... lauren told us that months ago.. we were at the hospital stupid" Lisa physically face palms

"ohh yea. I'm sorry about that" she says a lot louder

its ok you don't need to yell i can hear you just fine

"I'm confused"

"dani.. her vocal cords got destroyed not her hearing.."

" haha my bad sorry"

all good I do a lot of explaining anymore

"nice to see you again nat" Chris hugs nat and I'm only slightly jealous

you too Chris

"WHAT! You got to meet her before me!!! What the rip?!" Lisa screams at Chris visibly hurt.

Chris was home when i first came over for our project the day we got in that bad accident

"where was i? How come the firs time i saw you, you were unconscious?"

well if it makes you feel better this is my first time seeing you..

"it does actually I'm sorry you met mrs. stick-in-the-mud before me"

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