Chapter 29: Romanelli's youtube channel

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-welcome to our channel- 001
"Hey!" The pair said in unison.

"I'm Lauren!"

"I'm Natasha!"

"And We're the Romanelli's!"
Again saying in unison, fallowed by them both laughing.

"So I'm sure you guys know me from Cimorelli" Lauren said smiling at the camera. "If you don't know this is my wife. And we liked what dani and emmyn did, so we decided to also make a channel, however we don't know how often we're gonna post since this one" she nudged her wife "had never filmed a video where the focus is on her"

The two explained how they meet and part of their story before signing off.

"Thanks for watching we'll see you next time, bye" they smiled shutting off the camera.

-Welcome to our channel-002

"Hey I'm Lauren!"

"And I'm Natasha!"

"And we're the Romanelli's"

"You guys blew up our video with nothing but questions." Lauren smiled holding her phone.

"Sooo- were gonna answer a few" Natasha added trying to get though the awkwardness quick.

"Lauren- what was your first impression of Natasha?" Natasha asked looking at her wife questioning. "I wonder the same thing"

"My first thought was wow this girl needs to not bump into me, then I saw your eyes and I was immediately hooked. It also cause severe awkwardness and anxiety when I would run into you, and you seemed to do that a lot" Lauren was looking at Natasha for a moment as she was speaking before looking back at the camera.

"Awe laur that was sweet." Natasha placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

"Ok Natasha- how was it when you meet all the sisters? And the rest of the family? Also you guys are cute- thanks we know" Lauren added playfully

"Oh well" Natasha paused thinking hard about how to answer "I was skeptical at first because Christina was the first one I meet but I quickly became attached to her whole family, but I'm also from a large family so it wasn't to daunting."

"Lauren- how did you cope with the accident? Love you!- love you guys too." It was obvious Natasha was still awkward by the way she said that.

"I- I don't think we should answer questions about the accident till we talk about it in full." Lauren replied shakily, "but we will answer you questions about it soon. Just give us some time to film it, it's a lot tougher then you'd think"

The pair answered lighter questions before signing off.

-welcome to our channel-003

"Hey I'm Lauren!"

"And I'm Natasha!"

"And we're the Romanelli's"

"We're sorry we took so long to upload.. every other comment was about the accident" Natasha sighed.

"It was hard for her- us, we needed to decide if we wanted this information out in the world as a whole." Lauren added holding her wife's hand tightly. "Ultimately we decided to tell some of the details but leave a good chunk out."

"On June 13th 2018, Lauren and I were on our firstish date, we were at a lake not far from where we live currently- I had a family meeting I needed to attend so we left. On our way home we were hit by a semi and spun out of control causing us to flip- glass went everywhere and one almost killed me." Natasha took a deep breath, holding her neck where the glass was lodged, she had never had to tell the story Lauren always did. "That was the last thing I remember- I woke up almost 6 months later unable to speak, and this beautiful woman was standing right beside me the whole time." Lauren had a few tears spill out as she kissed Natasha cheek.

"In the time she was in a coma recovering, I stayed by her side learning sign language to communicate, we went on a date as soon as she was cleared to leave."

The screen faded to black with
'Sorry it was difficult recording this so we didn't film an outro'

-Welcome to our channel-004

"Hey I'm Lauren!"

"And I'm Natasha!"

"And we're the Romanelli's"

"Today we're going to show you our wedding video in light of our first wedding anniversary coming up" Lauren smiled

"I'm not going to cry.." Natasha stated reluctantly, knowing she was going too.

"I'm gonna cry" Lauren added laughing.

They watched as Natasha peacefully walked down the isle "did I mention you looked amazing" Lauren smiled at her wife kissing her cheek softly.

"No you were a little distracted" Natasha laughed remembering Lauren's face.

The video changed to showing Lauren walking down, the panning to Natasha tearing up, and present day Natasha was also tearing up "some things never change" Lauren laughed

The cerman began to speak, after Lauren said her vows 'I love you' was said by Natasha speaking for the first time in two years. The video paused "I can't believe you spoke for the first time on our wedding day. I also can't believe Lisa knew and I didn't." Lauren was tearing up before getting slightly irritated.

"Well I wanted to surprise you, since you surprised me for our engagement." she defended her self kissing her emotional wife's cheek.

"Shh we don't talk about that"
The video resumed and the pair finished the video crying at the end.

-welcome to our channel-005

"Hey I'm Lauren!"

"And I'm Natasha!"

"And we're the Romanelli's"

"Welp we screwed up."


"Since almost all of the comments were; 'what about your engagement video?' 'Can you react to your engagement video next?' 'Did you film your engagement video? If so can you react to it?' Those were some of the most common comments." Natasha said in a huff.

"So- without further ado, here's us reacting to our engagement video"
"I remember this vividly" Natasha smiled watching the beginning of the video, "Lauren said we were going on a date because she was super busy the months before this and kinda forgot about me." She side eyed her wife

"I did not forget about you, i spent all that time planning this." Lauren added in retaliation.
The video showed the truck they slept in before the pair showed up, panning to the view they had. "Did i tell you its still one of my favorite days?" Natasha smiled fondly at the screen then her wife. As they watched the video smiling contently, the video slowly started and Natasha narrated what was being said, until Lauren was down on one knee and she was chocking back tears.

After the video showed Lauren and Natasha embracing with a hug and a kiss.

"That is our engagement video and we don't have any other sort of videos and we're keeping our honeymoon private for what we can, you all I'm sure saw Natasha singing to me on our last day there and that's all you guys are going to see." Lauren said defending herself.

"Anyways" Natasha jumped in, "that's the video for today and with that we'll see you guys next time" and with that they closed out the video.

Word count: 1180

Heh heh (scratches back of head) I didn't plan on taking over a month break but I'm still not a 100% myself and honestly I'm not even half myself right now but I felt bad leaving you all like that, so uploads are going to be every other week till I can be at least half out of this depressive state.

And if I want to finish this book, I'm actually going to start condensing certain chapters. Unfortunately that means we'll have less to release but on the bright side they will be longer- I'll start that in two weeks.

To be honest I had this planned out months ago and wish I could write more then fillers but I hope the next one will end up being much better.

~thanks for reading R.J.~

Also sorry about the 11th hour upload (literally) was very busy today

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