Chapter 19: ceremony

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Laurens POV

"LAUREN!!!!" Internally cringed at the loud screech i can only imagine what beast made that sound. "OMG! You look so beautiful" the beastly creature emerged from behind the wall, the creature was a lot shorter then anticipated.

"Hi Amy, do you have to scream so loud?" I shot her a glare while holding my ears trying not to mess up my make up and hair.

"Sorry laur but your stunning, Natasha is going to be speechless." She walks up to me giving me one of her bear hugs.

"Thanks Ames, do you really think she's going to be speechless? That girl has never not had something to say." We laugh at the remark.

"Ok Lauren lets get you into your dress and touch up your make up and hair before we leave" my moms voice echoes through the room. "Has anyone seen Lisa or Christina?"

"I think they're helping Natasha." Amy says turning the curling iron back on.

" Amy says turning the curling iron back on

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Meanwhile- (Natasha's Pov)

"Wow Nat your gorgeous! That dress is beautiful, I think Lauren might shed a few tears." Christina's voice fills the room as I step out of the other room with my wedding dress on, I mean it just her, Lisa, Amber and myself so it doesn't take much.

"Thanks Chris." I said without thinking, not only did everyone stop moving amber literally dropped a hair brush.

"Uh am I going crazy of did she speak?" Chris asked moving closer to me. I shook my head no trying to cover this slip up. "Then who talked cause it wasn't Lisa or myself, and amber has been singing along with the faint music for hours.

"Just tell them" Lisa says quickly.

"Yea ok.." I said quietly, amber walked over to me tears already in her eyes.

"Nat? Are you really talking to me again? Or is this some messed up dream I keep having?" Amber gripped my shoulders looking at my eyes and mouth.

"No Amber this isn't a dream, I've missed our talks about nonsense" I embraced my sister holding her tightly as she lightly cried.

"When? How? How long? WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME?" She started screaming.

"Lisa lock the door and turn the music up" I said quietly, she nodded I gestured everyone to stand in front of me. I saw Chris holding her phone sending a text, I quickly grabbed it.

"I don't want Lauren to know yet! It's a surprise Lisa and I have been planning this for months"

"MONTHS" they both said, I glared at Chris and she nodded deleting the text she started putting her phone away.

I quickly told them everything as we finished getting ready. "I'm so glad you can talk again, I missed your voice and hearing you belt out any song that pops into your head." Amber said tears still falling down her face.

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