Chapter 11: Baggage

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(The image was funny I had to use it)

Lauren's pov

I must have fallen asleep, because when I looked around it was getting dark and Natasha was curled up into me very still, good her shaking finally stopped, I thought to myself while I'm running my thumb along her left cheek then her eyes slowly flutter open. "Good morning sleeping beauty" a smile slowly creeps onto her lips.

She's so beautiful, as we lay there and she gives me a look with those big beautiful eyes, she slowly inches towards my face. I patiently waited for what I thought was going to be a kiss instead my cheek got licked.. "Uhm, why?" My hands slowly wiping the drool off.

Good morning, and I knew it would throw you off then she leaned up placing her hand on my cheek, kissing me softly.

"I didn't appreciate that"

Well get over it

*eye roll* "well I was gonna ask you on a date but never mind" I grunt with crossed arms, not kissing her back.

She frowns clearly upset I didn't kiss her, wait no! I want to go on a date with you. Her hands been thrown around, nervous I was serious.

"Nope, no date for you" she winces with what I say, sadness washes over her as her head droops lower into the pillow. I giggle a little at her dramatics, she snuggles into my side sniffing to add to her drama.

After a sigh she looked up at me and pouted before stretching her hand and kissing me, I could feel the corners of her lips curling up. "Fine I will take you on a date, you big baby"

Yayyy! Her smile growing bigger and bigger before engulfing me in an intense kiss that made me gasp for air after.

"Mmh, ok you keep doing that and we're not going anywhere" I groan again before kissing her more.

Her body moved as if she was laughing, her teeth glide over my bottom lip slight pressure as she pulls away, taking my lip with her. She laughs a little more I'm assuming at the expression on my face, come on beautiful let's go on a date.

*i miss her voice* "ok, I'll be ready in 30, put something nice on. I have a surprise for you"

Surprise? What kind of surprise?!

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, now would it" her head drops and shrugs her shoulders, these big puppy dog appearing on her face.

"Get dressed you drama queen" I place a light kiss on her forehead, her body relaxes. As she begins to stand, I feel arms snake around my waist. Her eyes settle on mine and I can see her the upper part of her cheeks rise, her eye lids drop and her eyebrows furrow. All I could focus on in that moment was how stunning this woman is and how lucky I am to have her.

"Common I want to take you on a date, will you get dressed please? For me, so I can treat you like you should be." Her eyes are bright, smile extra wide with a cheesy look.

You know I should be the one spoiling you not the other way around, but I'm curious to see what you have planned so I can be ready in 15.

A big smile crept on my face, I turned to get ready and was meet with resistance. Not yet just one more second, please. A nod and 3 minutes of kissing later, we are finally in the process of getting ready for our date.

I put on (to lazy to describe outfits)

I put on (to lazy to describe outfits)

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