Chapter 23: honeymoon

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Honeymoon day 3~ Narrators POV

"Baby?!" Lauren yelled from the shower, they'd been pulling mini planks on each other since they left, this time Natasha had been pouring more shampoo on Lauren's head while she was rinsing her hair out.

"Yea babe?" Natasha said quietly to make it sound like she was outside, Lauren didn't fall for it.

"Ok enough can we call a truce for the day?" She pleaded her eyes on the verge of burning.

"Ok truce, hold on I'll help you" she got off the toilet, quickly undressing to help her wife get the soap out of her eyes.

Slowly Natasha whipped the soap off Lauren's face being gentle when it came to removing the soap from her eyes, then running her fingers through Lauren's soapy hair placing light kisses on her lips every few seconds. "Thank you." Lauren's voice broke the comforting silence "as much fun as they are, I think the excessive soap is too much for our honeymoon" her eyes able to open for the first time in 10 minutes.

"Ok, ok I said truce, what more do you want" she cocked and eyebrow at her.

"I think you know" she whispered.

"As you wish my love" Natasha knelt down as if she would if she was in front of  the queen of England. Lauren simply smiled with a light chuckle at her wife's ridiculous shenanigans giving her a hand to stand, Natasha kissed it giggling unable to continue with her act.

Once Natasha had stood they shared an intimate and passionate kiss, she slowly walked Lauren to the wall pressing her back against the cold tile her hand sliding down her wife's warm wet skin. A kiss on her lips a kiss in her cheek, her jaw bone, neck down, down and down her body. Natasha places kisses on her wife's body, then back up letting her hand touch Lauren's most intimate place.

Honeymoon day 4~ Lauren's POV

"Lauren! Common we're going to be late!" Natashas voice echoes through our bungalow.

"I would of been ready earlier if someone didn't insist on staying up all night with their head between my legs!" I looked at her with a half glare head tilted to one side as I said it.

"You weren't complaining last night in fact I'm pretty sure you were saying 'oh please do-maffmgff" I covered her mouth before she could continue.

"Ok we don't need to talk about that part." Once I removed my hand she had a devilish grin on her face.

"Anyways were going to be late are you ready?" The panic in her voice tearing through me.

"Yes are you going to tell me why I'm all dressed up?" I looked down at the skin tight blue dress I was wearing along with the same shade heal, Natasha wearing a fitted suit which looks amazing on her I started drooling looking at her.

"First close your mouth or we're going to be sleeping in the ocean, and second we have a dinner that's in 10 minutes and that dress is going to take us 15 to get down there." She said walking toward the door slipping on her matching dress shoes.

I slapped her arm in response walking to the door. "Why is it going to take us 15 minutes it's barely a 5 minute walk."

"Well I figured might as well take some pictures to post later" A smile crept onto her face, pulling out her phone to start taking them.

Honeymoon day 7~ Natasha's POV

"You want to what? Go swimming in the wedding dresses we didn't bring with us, so as a substitute you want to go in the dress from the other day and my suit? No. No! No" my voice increasing and decreasing in volume as I spoke "I love that suit and I thought you did too."

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