Chapter 27: you're doing what?!/ tour- days 75-91

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Day 75- Natasha POV

"Last show tonight, Chad is coming for the rest." Christina said adding the last bit of make up for me, I ended up doing about 6 shows I'm not complaining I liked it a lot, maybe a little too much.

"Thanks Chris" internally I sigh trying to hide how disappointed I was, it was a lot of fun but my time in the spot light is over.

"If you like it we can add another act I mean you only do like 3 songs anyways" she said catching on to a saddening tone.

"Thanks, I'll uh think about it, I should probably talk to my wife first anyways." Make up now finished I heard Lauren outside the dressing room talking to I think dani.

"Come on Lauren! He can't make it till Saturday we won't have an opener can't you just ask." The other voice asked in a pleading tone.

"Fine dan just shut up I need to find away to ask her" my wife's tone irritated and overly frustrated.

"Uh everything alright out here" the oldest asked peaking her head out of the door.

"Oh my gosh! Chris you scared the crap out of me!" Dani was holding her chest above her heart.

"Is Nat in there?" Lauren tried peaking in but couldn't see me from where I was standing.

"What are you too talking about?"

"Chad can't make it till we hit Phoenix on Saturday, their bus got a flat in Nebraska. With the 4th of July coming up on Wednesday, all the shops are closed till Thursday. So we need to ask Natasha if she can do 2 more shows.. is she in there?" Lauren asked again sadness in her voice.

she asked me to do three shows, then when they couldn't find a replacement I had to do a few more, so when chad volunteered I was happy getting on stage is terrifying but once your on it's exciting so I guess my emotions are torn.

"Yea I'm in here. I can keep doing them till he gets here." I smiled relief filling my wife as she was clearly scared I would say no.

"Thanks love." She wrapped her arms around me with a light kiss on my cheek.

Day 82- Narrator's POV

"Wow that was an amazing show!" Natasha smiled as the girls walked off stage sweating "you guys were great!" Her arms stretched out handing the girls towels and water.

"Thanks babe" Dani mimicked Lauren as she spoke although her face reeked of disgust.

"Dani you're a rat" Chris glared at dani giving her a light shove after.

"Love, can I talk to you for a moment. Alone" her eyes filled with anxiety and terror.

"Sure babe, we'll meet you in the bus I'm gonna go shower." Lauren had her arm wrapped around Natasha's pulling her to the dressing room.

"What's wrong Nat?" Her voice tangled with concern.

"I was thinking, as much as I love my job back home if we keep going like then we won't see each other when your on the road. Or have other things that you need to do that involve you to leave me for x amount of time, so what if-"

"You better not be divorcing me already!"

"No never! I was thinking what if I'm your permanent opening act and you can always add a second one, and maybe down the round we could be a duo.. just a thought"

Lauren's eyes lite up in excitement, "Nat id love that"

Chad, his band and bus are all semi permanently stuck in Nebraska, at least till they can get another one but it's summer and most of them are booked.

"But are you sure this what you want?" Lauren's hand rests lightly on Natashas cheek looking into her wife's hazel eyes looking for any signs of uncertainty.

"Yes I'm sure. I'll add another song or two to my mini set make it a little longer."

"Ok love birds we've gotta go!" Lisa banged on the door

"Looks like I get to shower on the bus.. whoops"

1 month later-

"Nat, uhm can we talk about something?" Lauren's voice was quiet and distant

"Sure, what's wrong?" Her wife sat down pulling her into her lap.

"Uh I- iwanttohaveababy" it mumbled out of her mouth

"What?" Concerned filled her face.



"I want to have a baby" she yelled

"You do?"

"Yes when we get home I want to go look at sperm donors, if you're ready" Her voice filled with fear.

Word count: 760

Sorry this has to be a short chapter I couldn't write it and I honestly hate it but I don't know what else to do so- I have another chapter that would have taken place along this time line but couldn't figure out how to combine it so it is it's own chapter but it's honestly no more the 600 words so very short but it's something.

Might upload an extra chapter but I'm not sure, btw quarantine sucks

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