Chapter 25: tour- day one

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3 months later~ Natashas POV

"Lauren! Do you have what you need? The bus will be here any minute now!" The girls had to postpone their tour from last year due to the covid-19 outbreak, one year later and were about to leave if my wife could ever get ready.

"Love do you know where my laptop and hoodie went?" She called from our shared room.

"Hoodie should be on the bed, and your laptop is in my backpack, but I couldn't find your charger" I answered walking up the steps my voice lowering as I ascended.

"It's not there" a tired huff left her defeated body, she was completely ready minus her straightener, blow dryer, tooth brush, laptop and my hoodie that she won't give back. "Charger is already packed, did you get that camera your aunt got us for the wedding?"

A quick nod as I go look through the stuff on the bed, of course the hoodie was there but instead of gloating I threw it behind the side of the bed continuing to look on the bed, "did you check under the bed? It might of fallen?"

"No, uh why!" She screamed in agony pulling the cause of her pain out in a grunt.

"Great now the bus is almost here and you still don't have your shoes, or a bra on" I poked her chest only covered by a t-shirt.

"Oh my god" she ran in to the closet throwing her tee at me while she put a bra on.

"Should we go through your bag to make sure you have everything?" I giggled knowing she checked it a thousand times.

The only response I received was a glare fallowed by Chris yelling for us "bus is here come on people let's move!"

She threw her shirt back on, grabbing my hand as we ran down the steps. She quickly slipped on her shoes grabbing an extra pair and another one of my hoodies. As she hauled her shoes, backpack, purse and both hoodies I fallowed right behind her taking her shoes and purse while I turned to lock the door yelling bye to the boys who were going to watch the house while we were gone.

Bus left shortly after everyone piled on, Lisa and Amy already claiming a bunk, the older claiming a top one and ladder taking one of the middle ones, Katherine took the other top one and Chris the middle one, much to danis disappointment she got stuck with a bottom one although larger she was still unhappy. the bus had 4 other bunks the two on the bottom, the kitchen table and the one above the driver seat were full size while the middle and top were XL twins. Christina had told Lauren and I, we could take one of the larger and when the others partners showed up they'd use the other one.

The bus was large with a seating area in the back and a decent size kitchen with a table that converted into the last full bed as you walked in, the beds in the center. Lauren and I threw are stuff above her dad who was driving with their mom in the passenger seat.

We were on the road for almost an hour when Lauren and I wondered our way to the back, "figures Lisa would be sprawled out on the couch." I said as I walked in carrying Lauren on my back, kicking her feet off that side, setting her a little away from Lisa, sitting in the empty space, my wife laying her head on my lap.

"Hey! Really you couldn't of sat over there? I liked you but now I realize your as big of a rat as Lauren and dani" she glared at me.

"Hey don't drag me in this." Lauren said opening her eyes to glare at Lisa.

"Well tell your wife to let me put my feet back up!"

"No dani is passed out on the other side and I'm not gonna be the reason for the aftermath of waking her up." I gestured at dani curled into a ball, and had wide eyes when thinking about how grumpy she'd be if woken up.

"Ugh fine you rat!" She grunted.

"Love you to Lisa!"

"Both of you shut up I want to sleep" Lauren's voice echoed on the metal bus walls, causing dani to stir.

"Would you shut it, I don't want to deal with her grumpy." I eyed Lauren after she yelled.

"Sorry love" a light kiss on my cheek fallowed by Lisa making disgusted sounds

Chris walking in says "hey keep the pda to yourselves while we're here! No one wants to hear you two screwing in the middle of the night!" I felt Lauren's hand tighten when she said that, she had been so excited leading up for our departure we were 'mating' like rabbits every night multiple times.

"I'll get us our own room at the hotel" I whispered just loud enough for her to hear, another light hand squeeze, "one night and I'll make sure to take my time paying extra attention to your favorite spots."

"If you don't stop now, you're gonna be figuring out how to do that without anyone knowing." She said squeezing my hand so tight my knuckles went white.

My only response was kissing her cheek in hopes it cooled her hormones. "I love you" I said a little louder but not so loud the rest could hear.

"I love you too" she replied in her normal tone a wide smile on her face, as she kissed me on the lips.

"Ehc get a room" Lisa gagged, "you two are sickly cute"

"Thanks Lisa!" I smiled grabbing my wife's face and kissing her longer."

"We get it you two are married and in love stop rubbing it in" she pouted.

"You know if you didn't push chad away you'd be happy in a relationship and maybe married soon." She just pouted knowing I was right, at the wedding they got in a fight cause he was saying people who propose durning weddings are selfish, I mean he's not wrong but he said that after dani got proposed too.

"I'll think about it" she grumble going back to her show.

"You should let her sleep before someone gets grumpy" Christina says pointing at Lauren slowly curling into a ball, looking down at my clearly exhausted wife her head on my lap face towards my stomach as she drifted off to sleep.

Lauren's dream-

I'm sitting in the passenger seat of a Mercedes? *thats odd who has a Mercedes?* I turned to see who was driving, no. No. Nonononononono this can not be happening..

"Natasha, I don't want this night to end."
*yes I do I don't want to be in this car anymore why would I said that?"

"I don't either, but Dakota really wants to talk so we'll have to continue our night some other time."

"I know, I just wish we could of had a little more time" *no I want out of this car*

"I had a lot of fun tonight Lauren, would you uh- want to do this again after our project is due?"

"I would love to." *leave this death trap*

"Great so dinner next fri-"*no no no no nonononononono, not again*

The semi hits- car spinning around-rolling- glass everywhere, I tried stopping the shard that was flying into Natashas neck, but instead of it missing it hit her jugular.

The next few minutes went in a blur, blood gusting then we were on the pavement I was holding her head on my lap, as she started dying in my arms.

End dream- Natashas POV

Lauren started stirring in her sleep, a lot like to the point where it started concerning me. Then she started mumbling in her sleep "no... please.. don't go" tears falling down her face her hands griping my clothes and pulling them towards her.

"Lauren?" I shook her shoulders lightly "Lauren, WAKE UP!"

Her eyes shot open, as she searched around tears spilling out of her eyes as she gripped me tightly softly sobbing into my shoulder. "Hey what were you dreaming about?" I asked softly, she just looked at me immediately knowing what it was about. "It's ok love, we're safe" we just sat there for a long time holding her tightly till she fell back asleep, then carrying her to our bunk.

Word count: 1415

This took me 3 weeks to write I couldn't think of anything to close this chapter with. Soo sorry if it sucks-

~thanks for reading R.J.~

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