33 1 0

Just so everyone is aware, I moved the alternate chapter to after this so it didn't disrupt the story for future readers.

I am so sad this is over, I started writing this on my way home from a trip last September and never would of thought I would have written 35 chapters- ok 34 the wedding planning one doesn't really count. I really hope you all liked it and if you did maybe some day I'll do another fan fic.

Writing this gave me the courage to keep writing and not only did I complete this book but I've started two more about the same time and I'm working on three others (not even close to being ready for release)

And to address what I'm sure most of you noticed.. there's a reason the personalities don't match the people they're biased off of my goal with this was to find a fandom that I could write a fiction in that I could easily tweak, I've been watching the girls videos since mid 2018 so this was the one I picked having a major crush on Lauren and Lisa (but more when her hair was really short) it wasn't hard coming up with a story as using their likeness for characters.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my story. it's been a year in the making and I've loved every minute, even the ones when i didn't have a clue what to write.

Check out what I've got:
Thoughts: poetry book/random facts book (however on hold at the moment since it takes a long time to site check facts)

Get excited for what's coming soon.

Black Ice: which is smililar in some sense but it's a much more graphic and full of triggers.

And have a few work in progress, I've never written anything like these before so bare with me they might be really bad but I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and for that I'm happy.

The forgotten princess-
Walt Disney is homophobic, he didn't like the lesbian princess
(which is quiet difficult.)

Taken from my life-
Mythology driven with a few twists

Escape: Expedition unknown-
Two friends are the last to leave dying earth, all who are aboard the space craft is them and the pilot

Also another book about space but that's all I have on it..

Word count 400

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