Chapter 4: Natasha's mom

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Natasha POV - Finals day

Studying... if i wasn't studying with the most beautiful girl in the whole world i might complain about how it took hours to get a decent start on it. Ok I'll complain anyways, it took 5 days to get a decent start on it and we pulled an all nighter to get it finished.

"Oh geese that took way to long" i heard Lauren huff

"You're telling me" i sigh a little "my head hurts" i slump down on the pillow behind me and groan at the pain overwhelming my body.

"You ok?" She asks while mimicking the motion i just did (falling on the pillow)

"Y-yea its just my back hurts" i grunt. I checked the time before jumping up to get ready for class. "Do you uh.. never mind" I mutter *stupid! stupid just ask her!*

"What?" Her sweet voice calls from her room

"Do you want to uh- go to dinner with me?" I prepare myself for the rejection i imagined to fallow.

"Sure, do you want to just get pizza or burgers?"

"Oh thats o- wait what?" She laughs "you actually want to go out with me?"

"Well yea, I don't kiss people for no reason" she says matter-of-factually

After finals

Ready?" I ask grabbing her hand pulling her to my car. "Ill drive" i cant take my eyes off of her, grabbing my keys out of my bag, i saw her on her phone texting but I couldn't see who. "Should you tell Christina where your going?"

"Yea im texting her now"

We got in my car and started to drive away

"Oh how on earth did you get this car?" She turned and looked at me very seriously "when my mom passed she left it to me it was her way of saying sorry since I didn't get as much time with her as my other siblings, the only one who really cared was Austin. But i made him a deal so he could use it till i was old enough then take his girlfriend out in it when i wasn't using it after i got my license.

"Oh I'm sorry nat we don't have to talk about your mom i your don't want to." Her head was hung low and she was trying not to bring it up but i could tell she was interested.

"Ill tell you one day, i promise. But right now i don't want to cry and I don't want either of our moods to sour"

"It wont sour my mood but i understand if its too much" she reaches and grabs my hand in hers, like two puzzle pieces they fit together.

I think and take a deep breath. "Ok, lets get finals done and maybe after dinner I'll tell you" to which she nods.

few hours later roughly 3 p.m. Now

I looked over at her and smiled as we pulled into my favorite spot dicks drive in (yes i no there isn't a dick drive in there but my fellow Washingtonians would agree that place should be everywhere!) after parking we got out and headed. To the shortest line which was still about 15 people long.

10 minutes later we had ordered, paid and got our food now we are sitting in my car on our way to the lake.

"Ok so this is a very long story." I take a deep breath "and this isn't even all of it" she nods "how it began... i was 11 and i was getting dressed to go to school'

(This is now from the perspective of 11 year old Natasha, no this isn't all of it ill go into further detail later once i figure it all out.)

"Ma!" Screaming from upstairs, "ugh why doesn't that woman ever answer me? MA!" I pause and wait, still nothing.. "all I wanted to know was where the brush was.." as I start walking down the stairs I began looking for my mother , everywhere.. "mom?" My voice shaky, "moooommmm?" I feel panic wash over me, like when your looking for your wallet that you thought was in your left pocket (or a phone) and it's not. So, you feel around your body, passing it three times before you slow down enough  to actually feel where your touching.  "Mom" my voice squeaks one last time, I see the top of her head sitting in her chair, she was watching the view and was probably just not paying attention. But the closer I got the more I realized she wasn't moving. "Mom?" I say calmly "mom what are you doing" the closer I get the worse it looks till I'm standing next to her. I touch her skin hoping she's not dead, then I feel around her neck looking for a pulse, I thought I knew what I was doing I just finished health class last week. Oh thank god, I thought she has a pulse, "mom!" I say louder. "MOM!" I scream in her ear, but still nothing. Quickly picking up the phone I call 911.

(Time jump)

"Natasha? Nate? Austin? Dakota? Amber? Damian?" She's groggy but she's awake and that's all that matters

"MAMA!" Amber yells always the loud one

"Shh, its ok sweet heart" She says faintly

"Mom, how are you feeling?" Dakota such the responsible big brother

"I'm feeling better my love" affectionately she touches his arm

"Mom.." Damian has never been good with his emotions

"Honey I'm ok, I'm here now aren't i?" You can hear the encouragement for him to stop

Austin didn't say anything he just hugged her, always the mamas boy

"Shh its alright dear"

I sat in silence not able to look at my mother in the face, she almost died in front of me today

Nate was pacing unsure how to think normally he's the rash one

"Nate hone stop pacing you making me dizzy"

"Sorry mom" the sadness over flowed in his face and tears started descending, she extended her arm as far as she could trying to comfort him

"Nat? Darling?" She say sweetly, I couldn't look at her

"Why isn't she coming to me?"

"Mom she's the one who found you." Amber replied

"What did you do?" I asked angrily

"What do you mean baby?" She knew what i meant she was playing dumb

"The paramedics found an empty bottle of oxicodonx in your purse that was filled 2 days ago.. they said you tried to kill yourself and if I hadn't found you, you would have succeeded.." everyone looks at me in shock an terror

"Oh.." she mutters

"Oh? All you have to say is oh?" I scream leaving the room in a fuss, Austin (19) fallows to comfort me

"Nat?" He squeaks

"Why would she do that?" I sob "why was she trying to kill herself?"

"I don't know nat.. I don't know" he held on to me tightly

(Back to present day) Natashas POV

"2 years later and she over dosed again, but this time no one was home to save her.." i drop my head tears streaming down my face.

"Nat.. I'm so sorry" she wraps her arms around me and holds on to me tightly and I quietly cry into her shoulder.

She tried to change the subject once i calmed down as we walked down and sat on the edge of the lake and talked for an hour.

Wow that was a ride! Do you want to hear about what happened in that 2 years between overdoses? I do have half another story about Natashas past if you're all interested i can try to incorporate it in to here bit by bit, or i can get some help and finish it and make it a separate book kinda like a prequel? Let me know. Also sorry this is a bit short but I hope i made it with the drama.

Word count: 1,228

~Thanks again for reading -R.J.~

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